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Terminal Server Quickbooks and last user credentials


I've configured a terminal server (Windows 2019)  for 6 users.  I installed QuickBooks, and everything is working, but I notice that when a user: UserA logs into a company file, UserB also logs into the same company, if UserA logs off and logs in again, the user name in QuickBooks from his Windows profile is UserB instead of UserA.


Does anyone have experienced this behavior?  I've configured the same thing with Peachtree, and I never had this kind of problem.

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Terminal Server Quickbooks and last user credentials

QuickBooks seems to remember the last user name that was used, regardless of the company file. I see this all the time when working with client files: If I use "Sally" as the user name to open a file, then close the file and QuickBooks and then come back later and start to open a different file, even where "Sally" isn't a valid user, that's the default anyway until I change it.


I didn't know it carried across windows user accounts, but am not surprised. Intuit doesn't think things like this through very carefully, much less test. QuickBooks probably saves the value on the machine related to the installation, not the windows user.

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