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Level 1

Interface bugs and inconsistencies in QB Mac 2024

Kind of shocked how many bugs I've run into with the current version (V23.0.2 R3 Build 518), and I'm frankly kind of insulted that it's no longer possible to buy permanent licenses when longstanding bugs and poor interface performance (many of these have been around since at least 2014).


Just had a reproducible bug that beach-ball's the application. Having a split open in a register that does *not* have enough transactions to require a scroll bar, and recording the transaction, will beachball the application completely. Closing the split and recording behaves properly.


Could be related, though I've never figured out what triggers it, to a very annoying bug that redraws registers where the columns are temporarily mis-set so that only "Payment" and "Deposit" are visible, but "Balance" is  either completely out of the window or partially draws past the window's bounds - scrolling in the register resets it, but this regularly happens to me when I'm doing things that are not actually involving the register in question.


Highlighting a transaction in the register for some reason alters cell padding so the highlighted transaction's date and account fields suddenly wrap, meaning the year is now cut off, and if you have hierarchical accounts and spaces in account names, things become near-impossible to readily determine - particularly aggravating with inconsistent auto-complete on accounts. EG; if the account is "My Bank:Checking", unhighlighted it might say "My Bank:Check...", but on highlighting you'll only see "My" because it hard wraps on the space and treats "Bank:Checking" as a new wrap word.


Auto-complete generally is obnoxious - Do you type "American Express" a lot? Better hope you don't have a single transaction somewhere to "American Business", because you'll never be able to get away with typing "Am" and getting the most-likely result.


WHY does the credit card charge importer (and the CC charge window for the primary transaction) not permit entering memos??! This makes zero sense. The transactions can *have* memos, as exhibited by the fact that the register and split view in the charge window allows entering them, but why do I have to write my own IIF formatter in order to finagle copying/pasting spreadsheet data into QB *with memos*?!


Rant over.

6 Comments 6
QuickBooks Team

Interface bugs and inconsistencies in QB Mac 2024

I understand how frustrating it can be to encounter so many bugs and inconsistencies in a software program, especially when it affects your workflow and productivity.  tdotclare. Let me lay out a couple of steps to resolve the issue. 


We can verify and rebuild data in your company file. This fixes errors and other issues you're experiencing in QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT). To do this, follow the steps below.


  1. Go to the File menu.
  2. Select Utilities.
  3. Click Verify Data. Then, select OK to close all windows.

If there are still problems with your company file, you'll have to rebuild it.


Here's how:

  1. Go to Files, then select Utilities.
  2. Choose Rebuild Data, and then click OK.
  3. Tap OK to make a backup to prevent data loss along the process.
  4. Click OK to continue the rebuild process.


For a more detailed process, check out this article: Verify and Rebuild Data in QuickBooks Desktop. 


If there's anything else I can do to assist you, please don't hesitate to reach out. Your experience is important, and I truly hope that the software's performance improves to meet your needs. Have a great day!

Level 1

Interface bugs and inconsistencies in QB Mac 2024

This is an entirely unhelpful generic reply as everything I commented on is an obvious bug or interface flaw that are readily apparent on standard use of the application - none are related to the company file, these are longstanding issues with the application itself.

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

Interface bugs and inconsistencies in QB Mac 2024


Please advise.

Level 9

Interface bugs and inconsistencies in QB Mac 2024

I've seen the wrapping issues but not the others. I _think_ the wrapping issues are due to a change in macOS (possibly Sonoma). Apple changes the padding, control sizes, etc with new macOS releases and there are a number of issues with comboboxes that we have forwarded to them that I believe they will fix in an upcoming release (I hope - we don't get guarantees).  Sometimes you can fix wrapping and layout issues by making the window a little larger and/or altering the font size using the Aa control in the window toolbar.


That all said I'll pass these on to QA to try and recreate.  Can you tell me what macOS you are using? 

Level 1

Interface bugs and inconsistencies in QB Mac 2024

Still having the autocomplete bug as of today 6.29.24.  

QuickBooks Team

Interface bugs and inconsistencies in QB Mac 2024

I appreciate you for joining the thread and for expressing your concerns, @orderemail19.


I understand how valuable your time is and how hard it must be to encounter interface bugs in QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT). For now, let's utilize the verify and rebuild tools in QBDT to address the data issue with your company file, which is causing the interface bugs and inconsistencies in your QBDT.


The verify tool situates the most common problems in a company file, and the rebuild tool fixes them. Here's how:


  1. Go to Window, then select Close All.
  2. Go to File, then choose Utilities.
  3. Select Verify Data. If you see:
  • QuickBooks detected no problems with your data — your data is secure, so you don't need to do anything else.
  • If you see an error message – you can search on our QBDT support site to learn how to fix it.
  • If your data has lost integrity – damage to your data was found in the file and we have to rebuild your data.


To rebuild the data in your company file, please follow the steps provided below:


  1. Go to File, then select Utilities.
  2. Click on Rebuild Data.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions, then press OK.
  4. Select the place where you want your backup file to be saved, then tap OK.
  5. Enter a new name in the File name. Click Save.


Please refer to the article below, which provides detailed instructions on the steps I outlined earlier: Verify and Rebuild Data in QuickBooks Desktop.


However, if the issue persists, I recommend contacting our support team to help you further. They will securely access your account and provide possible solutions to address your concerns.


In addition, you can check these articles to learn how to keep QuickBooks up to date for the latest features and product improvements, as well as to guide you in customizing any reports you want to generate:



Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions about interface bugs or anything else related to QuickBooks, @orderemail19. I'll be more than happy to answer them. Take care!

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