Honestly, you are likely to micro-manage this to death. I saw you asked a similar question regarding tracking individual patties for burgers sold. What you do is find the tools that allow you to manage what matters to you. Example:
Square and QB are not managing the inventory as Sales. The Sales are Noninventory products. The management of Inventory is "purchased" details. Then, for example, when you move Liquor or Mixers or a Carton of patties from the back to the front, or freezer to walk in, or from Boxes to bottles on the backbar, you consider that "in play" and relieve stock as an adjustment, because you know that once you bring the patties from the freezer to the walk in, they are in essence Sold or Used or going to be waste. So, the process is not to attempt to track each tablespoon of mayo, but to track that 1 jar of mayo has been removed from stock, opened, and now is in use at the prep station = not Sold by the Tablespoon. I hope that helps.