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Purchase Orders

I have typed a purchase order but did not send it - I went back to purchase orders but I do not see where I can get back to that purchase order to send to my vendor - any suggestions

1 Comment 1

Purchase Orders

I'm glad to provide the steps on how to locate the purchase order (PO), 5k9g.


You can go to the Expenses tab and find the existing purchase order from there. Here's how:


  1. Go to the Expenses tab.
  2. Click Filter.
  3. Choose Purchase order and filter the Dates.
  4. Hit Apply.
    find a transaction.png


You can also use a report to find transactions by PO easily. I'm here to guide you on how to do it.


  1. Go to the Reports tab, then click look for Transactions List by Vendor Report.
  2. Filter the date of the report to All to see all of your vendor transactions.
  3. You can go to the Customize tab to filter the Transaction Type to Purchase Order only.
  4. Tap on the Run report tab to refresh the page.


There are several ways how to locate a transaction. I'm adding this link as your guide: How to search for transactions in QuickBooks Online.


Once you find the PO, you can then send it to your vendor. Simply open it and click Save and send.


You can browse this link to help manage your POs: Learn how to create purchase orders and send them to vendors. It includes updating the status and adding them to your bills.


Keep me posted if there's anything else I can help you with locating a PO. I'm always right here to guide you.

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