Hi there, amn0270. I appreciate the effort you made in fixing the issue. I can guide you through resolving the error you get.
The error message H202 indicates a problem with the multi-user connection to your server. Since the tool hub didn't t fix the error, I recommend fixing it manually.
To begin, check the services on your server:
- Open the Windows Start Menu on your server computer.
- Type Run into the search and open Run.
- Enter services.msc into the Run window, then press Enter.
- Search and double-click QuickBooksDBXX on the list.
- Select Automatic for the Startup Type.
- Make sure the Service status is either Running or Started. If neither, select Start.
- Click the Recovery tab.
- Select Restart the Service from each of these dropdown menus: First failure, Second failure, and Subsequent failures.
- Tick Apply and then select OK to save the changes.
- Repeat these steps for QBCFMonitorService.
If you encounter the same issue, you can resolve it by adding services to your Windows admin group on your server. To do this, make sure you've granted admin permissions to QuickBooksDBXX and QBCFMonitorService on your server computer. See set Windows access permissions to share company files for instructions. After that, open QuickBooks on your server computer and workstations.
If you still see Error H202, move on to the next fix by going to this article and proceeding to solution 3: How to fix Error H202 and H505.
Additionally, you can visit this article to know what tasks you can perform in the two modes: Features available and tasks you can perform in single or multi-user mode in QuickBooks Desktop
Don't hesitate to comment if you have more concerns with the user modes. I'm always here to help.