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Level 4

QBO line "Search" feature is useless...

If you have used the Desk top search option as much as I have you know just how bad the QBO "search" feature is.


When will the Desktop "Search" feature be available to QBO users?

6 Comments 6
QuickBooks Team

QBO line "Search" feature is useless...

Hi there, @fishlog.


You've got me here to share some insights regarding how the search feature in QuickBooks Online works.


The Advanced Search option in the system allows you to look for a transaction together with its details. If you want to search for a specific entry, like the customer's name, vendor's name, and transaction type, you may go to their respective tabs.


Here's a link that you can refer about the complete details on how you can locate your entries easily in QBO: Finding transactions quick and easy with the search function.


Know that our developers are constantly finding and considering new functionalities to be added to the system. This way, we'll be able to make the product work the way your business needs.


I'd encourage you to visit our QuickBooks Online Blog site regularly, to stay in the loop with our latest news and enhancements.


Know that I'll be right here to help if you have any other questions with QBO. Take care!

Level 4

QBO line "Search" feature is useless...

Hi Betty... not quite.  I've been using QB for 25 years.  I know how to use the QBO search feature just wondering if Intuit will ever make it as useful as it is on the Desk top version.  with QBO online I can search about 30 transaction categories and 6 or so subsets of that.


With desktop I can search anything I want from the search engine anything.  Literally 100s of options and ways to neatly search and then export your search to excel or PDF type reports.  I don't have to keep adding filters etc.


Is there plans to make it better and how soon?




QBO line "Search" feature is useless...

I salute to your loyalty in using QuickBooks for 25 years, @fishlog


I know how relevant for you and your business to have a flexible "Search" feature in QBO. I can see its importance as this helps you efficiently locate your transactions. However, we don't have specific plans and a timeline as to when they will be available in the program. But I hear you and recognize your sentiments regarding this. That way, we can improve QuickBooks for better user experience. 


For the time being, I'd recommend visiting our QBO Blog site. You'll learn more about our latest news and product enhancements from there. 


Lastly, I suggest going to your account register to locate, review, and edit transactions. It also has filtering and sorting tools that speed up your search. For more information, check out this article: Managing Transactions In Account Registers


You can count on me if there's anything else you need. Keep safe always, @fishlog

Level 2

QBO line "Search" feature is useless...

I agree with this user that the Online QB search feature is fairly annoying to use at best, and useless at worst. Frankly, I wouldn't want to get into the details, as I which someone from QB would watch me try to find something here and see how unintuitive it is. Thus I strongly encourage QB to put normal people to use it and see how frustrating can be. We expect better from a company that is so important to so many people.

Level 2

QBO line "Search" feature is useless...

I have been using Quickbooks since 2004 and Quickbooks online since it became available.  The "Search" function IS USELESS. On desktop one types a vendor, check number, amount in the search box and anything relevant in that file is listed and quickly found. 


In QBO not only do you have to specify the type of search before hand (even in advance search) by memo line, description, amount etc, one also has to retype the item in the search box for each category. Even searching via this poorly designed, time consuming QBO, the way they recommend, I still don't find transactions I know exist.


I have been complaining about this useless search feature for years. Given what Intuit is charging for QBO (thousands of dollars over years in perpetuity) compared to hundreds with desktop, they should either improve the online offerings or charge FAR LESS per month. We are NOT getting the value we pay for with QBO products. Intuits drive to make even desktop products subscription based is an innovation in their own revenue generation, instead of making QBO worth the high price tag. I'm consistently frustrated with how limited this expensive product they are always pushing so hard is. 


At the very least FIX SEARCH! 


I'm sick of wasting time doing things in QBO that are much faster, easier, or even just possible at all, in desktop. 

Level 2

QBO line "Search" feature is useless...

We are tired of "work arounds" to handle basic functions that have been a part of desktop for years, and given how basic and simple said functions are (such as a working, INTUITIVE search feature) SHOULD be a part of QBO by now, given how many years it has existed and how much you charge, in perpetuity.  I realize that not everything possible in desktop is possible in QBO, however a working search function in 2020 should NOT be on that list.  


I am often given a time consuming work around when I contact support with a basic issue with QBO. You want to charge as much as possible for this product and put as little money INTUIT and that shows. 


Please at long last make the search function work as it should. I am here because I remember categorizing a charge, from Intuit no less, on a clients QBO this month, needed to revisit it, and could not find it using search no matter what I did. Not intuitive, not progress. Mobility alone does not justify this price tag and lack of features. 


Please fix search, at the very least. 


Thank you

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