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Level 2

After receiving 3 Purchase Orders yesterday - and converting them to "bills". The Quantity "on purchase order" now shows as a negative value.

WE have used QBO for years... this has never happened.  Called support - no help...  apparently i will get a call back.   We actually went back and deleted the closed PO's to see if that would help... Nope.  QTY on PO is still negative.    That number is very important to us for accurate ordering.   So a negative number really messes this up...
3 Comments 3
QuickBooks Team

After receiving 3 Purchase Orders yesterday - and converting them to "bills". The Quantity "on purchase order" now shows as a negative value.

I know this situation has to be so hard on you, @opticsports. Let's work together to help resolve the negative value of your purchase orders.


You'll want to review your quantity on hand and see if you have negative inventory for a product, then you'll naturally see a negative amount in the QTY column. Here's how:


  1. Go to Business overview, then Reports (Take me there), or go to Reports (Take me there).
  2. Search for and open an Inventory Valuation Detail report.
  3. From the Report period dropdown, select All Dates.
  4. Choose Run report.


Please utilize this article for additional information: Fix negative inventory issues in QuickBooks Online.


Also, you can try deleting the PO and recreating it again. If it is still in a negative value, I recommend performing basic troubleshooting steps to see if it's a browser issue. Sometimes your browser's cache and cookies become corrupted, causing problems when accessing websites or setting up acc. To begin, open your QBO account in an incognito window. It will prevent the browser history from being saved. Please refer to the following keyboard shortcuts based on your browser type:


  • Google Chrome: Ctrl + Shift + N
  • Mozilla Firefox: Ctrl + Shift + P
  • Microsoft Edge: Ctrl + Shift + P
  • Safari: Command + Shift + N


If the private browsing session works, you can clear the browser's cache so the system can restart. This task is also possible in other supported, up-to-date browsers. Clearing the cache will reboot the system, allowing you to work with clearing the cache. It will also help you get rid of any junk files that might be slowing down your work.


Additionally, this article will teach you how to set up and track inventory in QuickBooks Online. It will aid in inventory tracking, receiving alerts when it's time to restock, and gaining insights.


If you have further QuickBooks-related concerns, don't hesitate to post them here in the Community. We're always available and willing to lend a hand to your queries. Have a great day ahead.

Level 2

After receiving 3 Purchase Orders yesterday - and converting them to "bills". The Quantity "on purchase order" now shows as a negative value.

Thanks for the response... but feel my frustration.    I dont' have negative inventory.  This has nothing to do with "inventory".    the Quantity on PURCHASE ORDER is negative.     Now - first,  that is impossible - who send a purchase order for a negative amount of products?    For example  - Product X will have 30 in stock.   We have ZERO purchased orders for this product - but it shoes -60 on purchase order.    This is an obvious QBO issue.  WE have done nothing different that the last 5 years...  now QBO has no idea how to help us.     Support had no clue.. said they would call back.  Thats 5 hours ago.   in the mean time  - we have no idea what to order unless we send people to manually count everything.    


We have cleared cash... deleted the PO's ETC ETC ETC .....  Something is wrong with QBO.   

QuickBooks Team

After receiving 3 Purchase Orders yesterday - and converting them to "bills". The Quantity "on purchase order" now shows as a negative value.

I wish you didn't have to go through that, opticsports.


Let me make it up to you by ensuring you'll get a detailed explanation of why quantity shows negative.


I understand that you've contacted our support team, but I would still recommend reaching out to them again. They have full access to your account and can review your purchase order and inventory. They can also determine its main cause to ensure it won't happen again.


Here's how to contact our support:


  1. Go to the Help (?) icon at the top.
  2. On the Assistant tab, click Talk to a human.
  3. Enter your concern in the Type something field, then click the send icon.
  4. Click on I still need a human.
  5. Select Get help from a human.
  6. You can either select Chat with us or Have us call you.


To ensure that you'll be assisted on time, please see our support hours.


Additionally, I've added this article that'll help you track and see your best sellers, what’s on hand, the cost of goods, and more: Use Reports to See your Sales and Inventory Status.


I appreciate your understanding on this matter. Please know that we're determined to get this resolved.

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