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Level 3


Just a suggestion... It would help us users if the Quick Books Team members actually READ the questions before just posting a reference to another post.  In my frustrations over getting answers, the majority of time I have been (and observed others) referenced to other solutions that have nothing to do with what problem I (or others) have been having.  They are solutions for procedures that are further down the line, (like steps 7,8, or 9),

when users are struggling with how to get  “TO” step 1 because of program hang-ups, non-supported versions, team members saying you need different versions (payroll, premium, subscription, etc) when you do NOT need these things.  It leads to more dissatisfaction with Quick Books.  I was very lucky to finally get a QB representative that actually listened to me and quickly resolved the issue

1 Comment 1
Community Champion


I'll 2nd that!

I'm quite fond of using the Report Inappropriate Content feature in response to Intuit Employee's posts. I don't know if the feedback goes anywhere (nothing about the reps' performance changes) but at least then Intuit is on notice.


Some of my favorite posts to give feedback on:

- Customer asks how to do something in QuickBooks. Rep apologizes profusely and says it can't be done and sends customer to give a suggestion, while at the same time the thing the customer asked for has been a documented feature of QuickBooks for decades.

- Customer complains that QuickBooks isn't working right, and offers a suggestion for how it ought to work. Rep agrees that there is something very wrong with QuickBooks and that the engineers are working on it. In reality QuickBooks is working exactly right and as designed and the design is a good design, and of course the engineers are not working on it because there is nothing to fix. But the customer doesn't understand - and neither does the rep, who should - if they were trained.

- Customers asks why they are getting the result they're getting (say, a report or a tax form.)  Rep makes something up out of thing air to describe how it works, which might even sound reasonable, but gets it totally wrong.

- Customer asks for a new feature that would be inappropriate. For example, a feature that completely disregards GAAP accounting rules. One that will never be implemented. Rep agrees that's a really good idea and that customer should put in a suggestion.




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