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Level 2

Application with Revoked Certificate

Good point, makes me think they got hacked.

Level 4

Application with Revoked Certificate

When I-95 in Philly collapsed, it was fixed in 12 days!  The impossible was achieved, because it was given the right priority and manpower.  

Paco Valencia
Level 2

Application with Revoked Certificate

Yup, in the same boat. Outlined the entire issue with Avalara yesterday, got back boilerplate response saying follow QuickBooks instructions. Followed all instructions, still stuck at revoked certificate. Zero help from either side and now Avalara is just putting their head in the sand. No further response after I told them to re-read my support notes and respond to the actual situation, not just "can't find Avatax." Quickbooks CAN find Avatax, it just won't accept a revoked certificate.


On top of that, I can't even uninstall/reinstall Avatax since it's "Blocked by administrator" (I'm the admin, and only user on that computer.)

Level 1

Application with Revoked Certificate

Have a Lathem time clock application and says revoked certificate have tried all the help topic suggestions and nothing works QKBK customer support is a joke, never had so many problems with the old qkbk software until they made us upgrade so frustrating!!!! 

Level 1

Application with Revoked Certificate

Having same problem but with a different application this is a nightmare

Level 2

Application with Revoked Certificate

Here is the latest update from Intuit:


Latest update: This issue was caused because a Symantec Root certificate, used in the development of applications, was revoked. This resulted in many certificates to be considered invalid. To maintain the highest security, QuickBooks is designed to only allow applications with valid certificates access to company file data. This may appear to be a QuickBooks bug because that is where the warning appears, but Intuit is actually detecting invalid certificates and is blocking access to company file data as it should. Intuit is just one of many developers that have been impacted by this recent event. This issue will be completely resolved once any developer using expired/invalid certificates update their apps accordingly with a new valid certificate.


Intuit continues to take the necessary steps to update our certificates, and other 3rd parties will need to do the same. First step was to release patches for our supported versions of QuickBooks. These patches deliver the newly updated Web Connector which has been mentioned in the help article we recently published found at These patches only update the Web Connector app, so if a customer is using a 3rd party app that doesnt use Web Connector to sync data with QuickBooks this update will NOT resolve that. 




Sounds like Intuit is blaming third parties.  Third parties blame Intuit.  This is getting crazy.

Level 2

Application with Revoked Certificate

Thank you for the information. In the past this group has helped tremendously in patching things in order to keep my Quickbooks functioning - I did want to mention that when I follow the steps i.e. go to file location, properties in the .exe file that there is NO digital certificate tab.  Is it possible that the error caused these to be deleted when revoked?  Just wanted to add this in case there is someone in the group working on a solution.


Level 1

Application with Revoked Certificate

Hey there, I think I found a temporary workaround for exchanging data QB POS v18 data with older versions of Desktop Pro (I'm using 2017). FIRST Backup both files. Then, I changed the system date of my computer to the day before my POS data was last successfully exchanged. Then, I opened both programs and ran the End of Day / Exchange Data with QB. MY POS data transferred to QB Desktop with the correct dates! I changed my computer date back to the correct day and enabled auto sync and the exchange function is still working. I am not a programmer, just a small business owner trying to use common sense to find a solution.

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