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Level 5

Condensing vs Compressing

So were having issues with a large customer file and support told my boss to "Compress" the data not to "Condense" the data.  What's the difference?  And how do I compress the data?

10 Comments 10
Community Champion

Condensing vs Compressing

I've never heard of a "Compress" option. I don't think it exists.


What was the reason for not using the Condense feature?

Level 5

Condensing vs Compressing

We've been having issues with customer file with "Searching the list"!  He suggested that we Compress the data. She told me he flat out said NOT to condense it which is what I suggested.  For QB to do it, it would cost $1000.00 and take about 2 hours. I looked at the error report he showed her and it has lots of errors but when I run the Verify and Rebuild any errors I see are mostly incomplete deposit that would be posted that day. Nothing I would be concerned about. I just don't get why a users profile would be corrupted. I have gone through the list and removed access' to anything that we don't use but still after a few weeks it can take as long as 15 minutes sometimes to open customer file and then when you try to enter a new customer. 

Community Champion

Condensing vs Compressing

I've never heard of an issue like this, of QuickBooks taking 15 minutes to open the customer list.  I suspect there's a solution, though, to the issue. I can probably fix it, whatever it is, (for far less than Intuit wants to charge you) using our file optimization service. If interested, send a request here to start a conversation: BRC Support Request




Condensing vs Compressing

Hello, nancyl.


I'll share information about the difference between Condense data and Compress the data in QuickBooks Desktop.


Condensing data converts individual point data for each calendar month into a single summarized entry. This process conserves disk space and it's irreversible. 


On the other hand, Compress data is a process in which the size of a file is reduced by re-encoding the file data to use fewer bits of storage than the original file. This process can be done by our Data Services Team.


If you want to take this service, your company file must be uploaded to our secure service. Once the process is complete you'll receive a link to download the converted file. I recommend contacting our QuickBooks Desktop Support once again. They can pull up your account and send you a link to upload your company file.


  1. Open QuickBooks Desktop.
  2. Go to the Help menu, then select QuickBooks Desktop Help.
  3. Click Contact Us, then enter a brief description of your concern.
  4. Select Let's talk and then choose a way to connect.


Alternatively, you can also look for any 3rd party application that's capable of compressing your data or you can utilize the BigRedConsulting file optimization service to fix the issue with your company file.


I'm also adding this article to guide you in fixing corrupted or damaged company files: Fix data damage on your QuickBooks Desktop company file.


Let me know if you have further questions about the Compress data. We're always here to help you.

Level 5

Condensing vs Compressing

I used to hear about this issue quite often but it seemed to slow down.  I'll fill out the request on your website tomorrow. If what you do doesn't fix it my boss will hit the roof. 

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

Condensing vs Compressing


Looks like you're still struggling with the same problem since last year, correct?



If you condense your company file, some of your data will be removed and your boss has rejected that option. What you should consider is optimizing your company file. The process will copy all data into a new company file, remove unwanted temporary data, and audit trail data to bring down file size by 25-40%. This will improve the performance and stability of your company file. Contact us in private for assistance.

Level 5

Condensing vs Compressing

We have been struggling with this since 2017. My boss doesn't want to condense the files. I signed in QB on MY pc as her. It took me a good 3 minutes to get into Customer. On recommendation from 9/2021 post, I click on the diamond to search only ACTIVE customers and it stopped searching. To condense or compress the data doesn't make sense if the problem is with only 1 user with this issue. I'm hoping this is the fix so she I can put this nightmare to bed! 

Community Champion

Condensing vs Compressing

Do you have any idea what it is searching for?  I have an enterprise file with a relatively large customer list and I never see it searching for anything when opening the customer list. It just opens in 1/2 a second. I've also worked with client files with even larger lists and their lists all open very fast as well.


I do think we could probably figure this out for you as it's not normal for QB to do this.

Level 1

Condensing vs Compressing

I have a client who uses QB Enterprise - and their file is HUGE 2.76 GB!  

How do we go about compressing this file?  And is this something that can be done without them sending QB their company file?  I'd appreciate any help with this.



QuickBooks Team

Condensing vs Compressing

Thanks for chiming in on this thread, @Ingalls64.


Yes, your client can condense their QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise company file without having to send it to you. However, your client has to make sure to create a backup copy of your company file before starting the process. If changes or unexpected errors occur after the process, having a backup copy allows you to restore it to undo the changes.


Before Condensing your data, ensure it's the best option for your client's company. It cannot be undone at a later point, so we recommend Condensing after trying all other solutions. Here are some valid reasons to proceed:


  • They have a large data file.
  • They are nearing their list limit.
  • They have upgraded all your hardware.
  • You, as the accountant, and their technical support have discussed other options and are willing to proceed with Condensing.


For more details about the process, please refer to this article: Use the Condense Data utility.


Additionally, check out this article if you need to optimize your server and workstations to help minimize the issue: Manage your computers to fix QuickBooks Desktop performance issues.


Keep me posted if you need anything else about condensing your company file. I'll be right here to provide the information that you need. Stay safe!

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