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Level 5

Desktop so slow in customer file

This has been so frustrating! "Searching the List" all the time in Customer. We've been using QB Desktop since 2017.  We've update our PC's and our server.  Our QB is version 21.0 Enterprise Manufacturing and Wholesale.  The only users that have that problem are users who have full access but I have disable anything that we don't use to lower the resources needed to run the customer file. The FIX used to be just create a new user for that person and it would work pretty well, however lately it's not.  I have given myself 2 different sign in's this month.  As soon as I click on Customer it searches the list and searches the list over and over. I ran every diagnostic tool available.  I Verify Data once a month. Has anyone come up with a fix for this?  I'm sure it's a resource thing. We have over 4000 active customers. HELP!!

7 Comments 7
Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

Desktop so slow in customer file

How big is your QBW file size?

Community Champion

Desktop so slow in customer file

4000 customers is a small customer list.  I've worked with files that have 100,000 customers and more that don't have any issue like this.


I wonder if your customer center / list is customized to show fields that are slow to load, or filtered in some way that makes displaying the list take a long time.


Once it displays, what fields are displayed?  Does it show All Customers, Active Customers, or something else?


Try making sure it shows "Active Customers" and that you do not see the little diamond highlighted below, which means the list displayed in a custom sort.  If you do see it, click on it to return the list to standard view (no sort).  Then close the window and try opening it again:



Does that help?


Level 5

Desktop so slow in customer file

899852 K

Level 5

Desktop so slow in customer file

We don't have a large amount of inactive customers.  When I browse the only columns I use are the Company Name, Start Date and Account #.  This is a mystery. 

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

Desktop so slow in customer file

@nancyl wrote:

899852 K



You should be fine to run the file on your QB Desktop Enterprise. Run the Condense Data utility to remove old transactions (e.g all transactions prior to Jan 1, 2020) to isolate the issue. If you are still experiencing the same issue, consider to purchase a 3rd party file optimize service. It will copy all data into a new data file, remove unwanted temporary data, and audit trail data to bring down file size by 25-40%. This will improve the performance and stability of the data file.

Level 5

Desktop so slow in customer file

Thanks so much! I'll try your suggestion.  

Community Champion

Desktop so slow in customer file


While you didn't indicate if your view of the customer center is as recommended, the other thing you might try is to re-index your names list.


To do this:

- Open a Check.

- Click in the Payee field and then press Ctrl-L. The Name List will appear.

- At the bottom of the Name List, click Re-sort list from the Name button.


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