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Level 1

Does anyone know why my check I had made for my QB Checking account, bounced? plenty of funds and all the routing and account number are printed correct on the check.

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QuickBooks Team

Does anyone know why my check I had made for my QB Checking account, bounced? plenty of funds and all the routing and account number are printed correct on the check.

It's nice to have you here in the Community, @bmcmarinellc.


Let me provide information on why your check bounced in QuickBooks Online (QBO).


Usually, your check bounces when your bank account has insufficient funds (NSF) or doesn't have enough money to cover the check amount. However, since you've plenty of funds and your account number is accurate, I recommend that you get in touch with our support team so they can further investigate what's causing this problem and provide possible solutions to address your concern.


Here's how:


  1. Go to Help.
  2. Select the Search tab, then choose Contact Us.
  3. Type in your issue or concern in the field.
  4. Hit Continue.
  5. Click the Chat or Callback option.


For reference, you can check this article: Contact Payments


I'll add this resource to learn how to enter your income and expenses to have professional-looking books: Enter and manage bills and bill payments


If you have follow-up questions about the bounced check or anything else related to QuickBooks,  feel free to ask me. I'm always here to help you, @bmcmarinellc.

Level 2

Does anyone know why my check I had made for my QB Checking account, bounced? plenty of funds and all the routing and account number are printed correct on the check.

If your check bounced despite having plenty of funds and correct routing and account numbers, several factors might have caused the issue. Here are some potential reasons and steps to investigate:

  1. Account Status:

    • Ensure your checking account is active and not subject to any restrictions, such as holds or freezes.
    • Contact your bank to confirm the status of your account.
  2. Check Information:

    • Double-check that the check was filled out correctly, including the date, payee name, amount in numbers and words, and signature.
    • Verify that there are no errors or discrepancies that might cause the bank to reject it.
  3. Bank Policies:

    • Some banks have specific policies regarding check processing. For instance, they might reject checks if they are not properly endorsed or if they suspect fraud.
    • Contact your bank to understand their check processing policies.
  4. Processing Errors:

    • Human or technical errors can occur during check processing. The check might have been incorrectly marked as NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds) due to a mistake.
    • Ask your bank to investigate if an error occurred during the processing of your check.
  5. Check Fraud Prevention:

    • Banks have fraud detection systems that might flag checks for various reasons, such as unusual activity or large amounts.
    • If your check was flagged, you may need to confirm its legitimacy with your bank.
  6. Third-Party Issues:

    • If the check was deposited at a different bank or via a third-party service, there might have been an issue on their end.
    • Reach out to the bank or service where the check was deposited to get more details.
  7. Account Overdraft Protection:

    • Ensure that any overdraft protection or linked accounts are functioning correctly. Sometimes, linked accounts for overdraft protection may not be accessible due to various reasons.
  8. Clearing House Delays:

    • Occasionally, issues at the clearing house or between interbank transfers can cause delays or errors in check processing.
    • Your bank can provide details if this was the case.

To resolve the issue, follow these steps:

  1. Contact Your Bank:

    • Speak directly with your bank’s customer service or branch manager. They can access your account details and provide specific reasons for the check bouncing.
    • Request a detailed explanation or documentation regarding the bounced check.
  2. Verify Check Details:

    • Double-check the physical check for any errors or irregularities.
    • Make sure all details are correct and the check is properly signed.
  3. Monitor Account Activity:

    • Review your account statements and recent transactions to ensure no unauthorized activities or holds.
  4. Communicate with Payee:

    • Inform the payee about the issue and reassure them that you are resolving it. You may need to issue a new check or use a different payment method temporarily.

By following these steps and communicating with your bank, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue causing your check to bounce. [Removed]

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