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Level 1

Drop-down list of recent Journal Entries

I have started naming Journal Entries starting with my initials (to distinguish the ones *I* create from the

ones our bookkeeper creates).   The drop-down list of "Recent Journal Entries" from the little clock icon isn't showing the whole entry, e.g. "DG-11"   shows as "DG-".  Is there a way to widen that field in the drop-down list?  Could it auto-size to fit the number of characters in the recent entries it is displaying?  Quick Books Online.

3 Comments 3
QuickBooks Team

Drop-down list of recent Journal Entries

Renaming the journal entries helps avoid confusion, de.


I've replicated the steps you performed and managed to view the whole name in the Recent Journal Entries window. For visual reference, I've added a screenshot below.



You can also share what your screen looks like to help us determine the exact cause of the issue.


In the meantime, let's access your QuickBooks Online account using a private window. This way, we can check whether this is a browser cache-related issue. The browser utilizes cached data to load web pages quickly. However, too much cache can affect how your account looks and works.


An incognito mode helps us verify the problem since this doesn't save any files. Here are the keyboard shortcuts: 


  • Safari: Command + Shift + N 
  • Google Chrome: CTRL + Shift + N
  • Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge: CTRL + Shift + N


Once the entire name shows, clear the browser's cache. Doing so deletes all the data from your browser and improves its performance. Also, make sure to use supported browsers. This way, we can verify if this is the cause of the issue. 


Moreover, QuickBooks Online makes finding transactions quick and easy with the Search function feature. It'll help you filter your journal entries or other transactions you want to view.


I'm here to assist you if you have future concerns or questions regarding managing your journal entries or other transactions in QuickBooks. Feel free to post your questions or any follow-up inquiries on this topic, and I'll be happy to help.

Level 1

Drop-down list of recent Journal Entries

I did a screen print of my system.   The scheme to get there was <new>->Journal Entry -> show recent.

You can see that the earliest versions of my DG-# (with a single-digit number) show fine,

but multiple-digit numbers don't show any part of the number.

I am using Chrome, version 115 (almost latest, a new version is downloading)


Drop-down list of recent Journal Entries

I appreciate you getting back to us and providing more details about your concern, de.


I can see how the benefit of being able to view the complete Journal no. in the Journal Entry page's Recent Journal Entries section would aid you in managing your financial data with QBO. The said section would only display up to 5-digits of your journal number. Instead, let's utilize the Advanced Search feature of QuickBooks Online (QBO) to see all created journal entry transactions in your account.


Here's how:


  1. Select the Magnifying Glass icon.
  2. Select Advanced Search.
  3. Adjust the Filters (for example, Date range and Transaction type) to find all the journal entries you want to view.


To learn more in finding transactions with the search function feature in QBO, please see this article: How to search for transactions in QuickBooks Online.


Additionally, you can print a single journal entry or multiple entries on one report. You may want to look into this article on how to do this in QBO: Print a journal entry report in QuickBooks Online.


I'm always ready to back you up if you need more help with your journal entries in QBO. I'll keep the thread open so you can comment back.

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