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Level 2

Entering a Cash Back Credit without the Credit Card Module

Hi, I've recently been employed by a company and i'm trying to do their CC rec's. One CC is being discontinued and as such the Cash Back Rewards are being claimed on the final statement. I'm trying to enter the cash back into quickbooks but since the CC were not set up as credit cards and just as payables it makes all the advice i've seen online not super helpful. I also have been having trouble figuring out how to apply this credit to the CC since all the payments show up in the pay bills module and I can't make a large cash back credit to the CC company as it would not show up in pay bills without a bill to apply it to.


Can anyone help me come up with a solution that preferably doesn't involve a GL entry since that just seems to complicate things. (Unless you know some magic way to apply the credit but keep the amount from showing up in pay bills)

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QuickBooks Team

Entering a Cash Back Credit without the Credit Card Module

Thank you for bringing up your concern here in the Community, AHCSS.  I understand the importance of entering cash-back rewards into QuickBooks without using the Credit Card .


I want to help and provide exact information about your concern. However, I still need to gather more details about it. Can you tell me more about how did you set up the credit card account in QuickBooks Desktop? I would appreciate getting more information from you. This way, I can provide the right amount and solution to your question. 


I'll be waiting for your response. I'm just around to help. Keep safe always.

Level 2

Entering a Cash Back Credit without the Credit Card Module

I did not set them up. I'm new to the position of an established organization. I will do my best to explain the info you are looking for though.

From what I can see is the Credit Cards were set up probably through the Chart of accounts. Their account type is Accounts payable. I've tried to enter credit card charges or credits but upon doing so it asks me to go through a set up. That leads me to believe that the credit cards are not set up through the CC module and just through the COA.


I hope this is what you were looking for.

Level 3

Entering a Cash Back Credit without the Credit Card Module

Hello,  have you been given an answer to this yet?

I am also trying to figure out how to the the credit card cash back rewards in desktop.

Level 2

Entering a Cash Back Credit without the Credit Card Module

No I got no answer from anyone. I assume no one knows perhaps. I spoke to a coworker and together we came up with a way to sort it out for ourselves. I can't guarantee it will work for you.

We were closing down the CC that we had the cash back on. so we just paid all the invoices we had in QB and then made a Journal Entry to reverse the cash back amount out of the bank account the payment was made from. That way the amount we actually paid matched the payment amount on the statement. This also zero'd out the CC account.


After that I immediately converted our Credit Cards from AP to CC accounts in QB.


Again I don't know if this will help you with your issue but this is how we solved ours.

Level 3

Entering a Cash Back Credit without the Credit Card Module

I called Quickbooks and they have no idea.  This is what I came up with.

I setup a new Chart of accounts under income.  I named it Cash Back Credit.

I then went to banking, enter credit card charge.  Put in the credit card name and purchased from the credit card filled in the amount and under account i selected Cash Back Credit and it seems to work.  Now Cash Back Credit (from a credit card is not Federally taxed).  What do you think and this way?


Level 2

Entering a Cash Back Credit without the Credit Card Module

You see my original issue was that I couldn't put my entries through credit card charges because the cards weren't set up through there. They were just set up as an account payable. So I had to find a work around for myself. Otherwise if I had them set up and could enter everything through credit card charges then I could just go to enter credit card charges, click the bubble that says refund/credit and enter the cash back that way. However my Cards weren't set up this way so if I tried it just told me to set up a CC to enter credit card charges.


I had to find a workaround for my issue. If you have them set up in credit card charges then you might just be able to click on refund/credit at the top and as long as you put them to the correct account then you should be good. If you can't do the refund/credit then just you'll have to find a work around like I did. What you suggested might work. Just make sure you are hitting the correct accounts and double check your work afterwards.

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