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Level 3

How detailed are Sales Receipts these days?


When entering sales receipts how detailed are people making them?  I work for a restaurant and bookkeep for another one.  The POS/CC processors no longer seem to be designed with bookkeepers/accountants in mind.  There are several different reports to obtain the numbers that I enter into the daily sales receipt and now monthly POS invoices are being taken out of the CC batch before depositing.  It's a mess.  It's taking a lot more time to compile the reports that have the necessary numbers to create a daily receipt that matches the cash deposit, I'm creating more products/services.  I can't imagine everyone is doing what I'm doing. I actually don't mind doing it but it's getting absurd.  If all of the info is on the POS for any audit, insurance, or sales questions, it seems like the daily receipt can now be minimized.  It doesn't make sense to enter the net CC sales and not include the gross along with the CC Fees, CC deposit transfer fee(yes, that's a new one and absurd), the cc processing fee....the list goes on.  I'd love to hear what others are doing.  Thanks.

7 Comments 7
QuickBooks Team

How detailed are Sales Receipts these days?

Hi there, @heazim1. I'm here to help suggest options to ease entering sales receipts if your POS/CC processor processes transactions monthly.


Before we proceed, I would like to ask for your POS processor's name. This way, we can determine if it's possible to integrate with QuickBooks Online (QBO). For now, consider searching for a third-party app to integrate into QBO, as an alternative to entering sales receipts manually. Here's how you can find one in QBO:


  1. Go to Apps.
  2. Select Find apps.
  3. In the search field, type in "POS" or other keywords that can support integration between your POS and QBO.


As a workaround, you can also consider utilizing creating a recurring sales receipt template. This works especially if the fees associated with every transaction are repetitive. However, we have to make first service fee charge and then proceed to make a recurring template. To do so, here's how:


  1. Head to the Gear icon.
  2. From the Lists column, choose Recurring transactions.
  3. Click New and select what transaction type you'd like to create, then select OK.
  4. Write a Template name.
  5. Pick a Type: Scheduled, Reminder, or Unscheduled.
  6. Add the necessary information and click Save template.


I understand that it's important that the software accommodates various business needs. I also encourage sending a feature request to accommodate manually entering your sales receipt. This way, they may add your suggestion to our system in the later updates. To send one, here's how:


  1. Go to the Gear icon menu at the top, then select Feedback.
  2. Enter your comments or product suggestions.
  3. Click Next to submit feedback.


For reference, check this article: Create recurring transactions in QuickBooks Online.


You'll also have another option to email or print sales forms to your customer. For guidance, you can read this article: Email or print multiple sales forms in QuickBooks Online.


Please feel free to reach out if you have any other questions about sales receipts. I’m here to help anytime.

Level 3

How detailed are Sales Receipts these days?

Is this an AI response.  This is not what I am talking about at all.  I wish you would please delete your response.  It is in the way.  

QuickBooks Team

How detailed are Sales Receipts these days?

I recognize your concern about handling your sales receipt entries efficiently, Heazim.


In QuickBooks Online (QBO), we can record your daily sales receipts.


Beforehand, since you want to simplify the process of your sales receipt entry for daily sales, may I know if you want to enter the details in your POS invoice? This is to ensure that we provide you with the best possible solution.


Also, you've mentioned fees. Do you want to simplify the process by entering only the net CC sales?


For restaurant owners, we recommend recording your daily sales, which includes setting up accounts and creating a daily sales template.


For additional information about tracking your daily sales, I've added this resource: Record your total daily sales in QuickBooks Online.


On the other hand, if you need to enter specific details like custom fields, you can create a new style for your sales receipt.


Furthermore, here's an article you can browse just in case you need a guide to customizing your financial reports: Customize reports in QuickBooks Online.


You can always count on me if you need a hand managing your sales. I'd be glad to assist you at any given time so you can keep your business going.

Level 5

How detailed are Sales Receipts these days?

@heazim1  I realise that I am also cluttering this thread, but I have to say, this entire conversation is as hilarious as it is disheartening.

Level 3

How detailed are Sales Receipts these days?


Level 3

How detailed are Sales Receipts these days?

Does anyone have a suggestion on how to better ask this question?  I thought for sure I'd get a lot of responses.  IS anyone entering their daily sales in the form of a receipt?  Are you entering fees there?  Thanks.

Level 5

How detailed are Sales Receipts these days?

@heazim1  Well, I work entirely on the accounting side, so I don't prepare sales receipts myself.


That said, many of my clients do prepare Z-outs, and they do indeed get interesting to look at. Some of them have more varieties of Veteran Discount items than I have digits.

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