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I have recording errors that overlap Payroll and general acct management

I'll try to lay this out as clearly as I can. I have 2 accts on QBO that I work with. In the beginning one was labeled "Hub (235)" and the other was labeled "Operating (233)". After a while, the decision was made to change the labels. "Hub" became "Operating (235)" and "Operating" became "Office (233)". For whatever reason, (probably me thinking it would make things easier/clearer - cue eyeroll) a new register was created for the "Office (233)" acct. I use the "Office" acct to pay employees and bills, and "Operating" is used for materials, tools, etc.


Flash forward to last night. I discovered that one of my biggest issues is that Payroll has been recording the paychecks in the "Operating (233)" register. (I fixed this in payroll settings) Anyway, I thought, ok I'll just edit the paychecks. Wrong. Since they were DD, the only way to change the acct is to void the check. What kind of Pandora's Box will I be opening by doing that? I assume I'll have to go back and recreate the paychecks for the employees using the correct acct, and that rather than DD, I'll select paper check. There must be a better way, right? I'm talking about 31 transactions ranging from March to June, so not too many, but still... I'll do it, if that's the only way. I just thought I'd ask before I get started. 


Also, QBO created a transaction in the register "to adjust balance for deletion". It's a reconciled deposit of $9,546.46 to Opening Balance Equity. Can I just void that? I'm sure it's playing a role in why my books are out of whack.


As soon as this mess is sorted, I will make sure that this register is made inactive so nothing else can be recorded there.


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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QuickBooks Team

I have recording errors that overlap Payroll and general acct management

Hello there, snruss3ll72.
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