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Byung Joo Cho
Level 2

QBO support is consistently the worst experience I have to go through at my job

Why is the QBO support chat so unhelpful? It seems I am not the only one here. 


Background: I have been working in cloud accounting for 6 years - have been using QBO and Xero as the main accounting tools for all clients. I have a CPA, I have to say, QBO support is the worst customer support is all software I have ever used. 


The person in the chat, does not seem like an actual person. Responses are slow. Basic questions are ignored and you are forced to just cross your fingers and wait in the hopes that they understood your question and are working on a response. The awful part is that all that wait is for nothing - you don't get a response, you don't get help, its just the biggest waste of time. 


There doesn't seem to be a roadmap to improve this either. You can provide feedback all you want but I have has this exact experience countless of times. There are many things that QBO does great, customer service is not one of them. It overshadows everything good about this software. 




19 Comments 19
Byung Joo Cho
Level 2

QBO support is consistently the worst experience I have to go through at my job

Same experience when calling an agent: 

- They randomly put you on hold while you are asking questions. So you may be talking, and there often times isn't anyone on the other line listening. Just let us know we are being put on hold! 

- It feels like agents on phone are answering multiple calls. They will randomly pop back in on call to say they are still there (but completely ignoring what you were asking them). 

- Because they weren't listening, they will ask you again and again to repeat yourself. 


30 minute into the call, no actual answers. Not even an actual conversation has been had. 




QuickBooks Team

QBO support is consistently the worst experience I have to go through at my job

This isn't what I want you to experience with our QuickBooks supports, Byung Joo Cho.


Let me make it up to you by making sure your concern gets taken care of.


Before proceeding, I'd like to verify if you'd like to view the transactions associated with your Retained Earnings account? If so, I'm here to help you out.


QuickBooks Online uses a transfer called electronic swap to move money to Retained Earnings. This swap doesn't show on any report unless there have been other entries made to the Retained Earnings account.


For us to see what makes up your Retained Earnings, I'd recommend running the Profit and Loss report. Then, view the details for the Net Income (Loss) amount.


Here's how:

  1. Go to Business overview and select Reports.
  2. If you have the old interface, go to Reports.
  3. Locate and select the Profit and Loss report.
  4. From the Report period dropdown list, select All Dates.
  5. Click Run report.
  6. Select the Net Income amount to open the Profit and Loss Detail report for All Dates.


The Profit and Loss Detail report shows all of the transactions that make up the net profit or loss that QuickBooks Online automatically switched to your Retained Earnings account.


For more details, please see this article: View Retained Earnings Account Details.


Additionally, I've included these articles that'll help provide you with different perspectives on how your business is doing. This way, you're able to easily keep track of your data:


If you're referring to something else, please let us know. This way, we'll be able to provide accurate steps to resolve this.


I'm always here should you need help running and customizing report. I'd be happy to help.

Byung Joo Cho
Level 2

QBO support is consistently the worst experience I have to go through at my job

This only seems to show the activity of P&L that goes into retained earnings. 


If you have other manual adjustments going to retained earnings (clearing out dividends for example), there doesn't seem to be a report available in QBO that will show ALL activity in the retained earnings account. The last agent I spoke to yesterday was able to confirm this. 


It seems like you've actually looked into my experience yesterday as nowhere in this post do I mention the question I had with retained earnings. But much like my experience with your other support agents, the answer you provided doesn't actually answer my question of whether there is a report available that shows ALL activity in the retained earnings account, not just the annual P&L activity. 


Yesterday, I spent 2 hours (1.5 hours being ignored by online chats and being held "on hold" by one phone support agent) to be able to confirm that there was no report available that shows all retained earnings transaction detail. This is repeatedly, the problem with QBO's support line. It takes exceedingly amount of time to find a good agent, who will actually listen to the very simple question you have and give you a response. I try not to waste the support line's time (nor mine) and I always look through the online resources first. Being provided a links to something that I've already looked into and repeatedly mention that I've already seen and tried is quite frustrating. 



Byung Joo Cho
Level 2

QBO support is consistently the worst experience I have to go through at my job

This only seems to show the activity of P&L that goes into retained earnings. 


If you have other manual adjustments going to retained earnings (clearing out dividends for example), there doesn't seem to be a report available in QBO that will show ALL activity in the retained earnings account. The last agent I spoke to yesterday was able to confirm this. 


It seems like you've actually looked into my experience yesterday as nowhere in this post do I mention the question I had with retained earnings. But much like my experience with your other support agents, the answer you provided doesn't actually answer my question of whether there is a report available that shows ALL activity in the retained earnings account, not just the annual P&L activity. 


Yesterday, I spent 2 hours (1.5 hours being ignored by online chats and being held "on hold" by one phone support agent) to be able to confirm that there was no report available that shows all retained earnings transaction detail. This is repeatedly, the problem with QBO's support line. It takes exceedingly amount of time to find a good agent, who will actually listen to the very simple question you have and give you a response. I try not to waste the support line's time (nor mine) and I always look through the online resources first. Being provided a links to something that I've already looked into and repeatedly mention that I've already seen and tried is quite frustrating. 

Community Champion

QBO support is consistently the worst experience I have to go through at my job

This is I think the best part of your entire chat. The most comical, at least!




Level 1

QBO support is consistently the worst experience I have to go through at my job

After spending an hour trying to get a customer support person on the phone, I spent 90 minutes with a support rep who couldn't resolve my issue and didn't seem to know what she was doing. She told me she was going to put me on hold to tell me what would happen next, but she disconnected our call and the screen sharing. Unfortunately, this is not the first time I have had this experience. Obviously Quickbooks doesn't require their reps to enter information in your record or to send you a survey on how your customer service was. They just have to hang up so they don't get a bad mark and I don't get any help at all and have to start from zero. I am researching what is a better program to use. I have had enough of Quickbooks!

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

QBO support is consistently the worst experience I have to go through at my job

@samantha6o7 wrote:

I am researching what is a better program to use. I have had enough of Quickbooks!


You should switch to another app immediately and purchase a 3rd party conversion service if required.

Level 1

QBO support is consistently the worst experience I have to go through at my job

What would I switch to?

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

QBO support is consistently the worst experience I have to go through at my job


Contact us in private and we may recommend a few options to explore.

Level 1

QBO support is consistently the worst experience I have to go through at my job

Yep, just went through one of the WORST customer service experiences ever. Then when I asked to talked to a Supervisor, they gave me the run around and just hung up on me. When it is time to upgrade software for my small business it WILL NOT be Quickbooks......

Level 2

QBO support is consistently the worst experience I have to go through at my job

Completely agree!


They are AWFUL.  They seem to enjoy being unhelpful. 


Most of them don't even know anything about the product.  Simple questions - they don't have a clue. 


I'm on a trial at the moment, and I'm really hoping I can find an alternative to QB as the customer support is ABYSMAL.  It's a nightmare. 

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

QBO support is consistently the worst experience I have to go through at my job

@Airgead wrote:

Most of them don't even know anything about the product.  Simple questions - they don't have a clue. 



What kind of simple questions did you ask?


Level 2

QBO support is consistently the worst experience I have to go through at my job

I wasted 3 hours today chatting to 4 different 'geniuses'.  One of them didn't seem to even understand English.  She/He didn't know what I meant by 'transactions'. 


Simple question:

I'm new to QB.  I connected all my bank accounts last week so that my transactions are showing in QB. 

I haven't already uploaded my supplier details, so their tax status isn't yet in the system. 


If I upload my suppliers tomorrow and their vat/tax details (eg how much vat we owe/pay each other), will QB apply those tax rates to the relevant suppliers and update the historic transactions to reflect the tax?  


I know that QB will do this with transactions I upload AFTER I upload my suppliers details, will QB apply these details to historic/existing transactions. 


Eg.  I was purchasing adobe software in 2019 and 2020. So that's in my transactions list for those years. Adobe is my supplier. If I upload Adobe's tax details today, will QB automatically apply the tax to the 2019/2020 transactions? Or does QB only apply the tax from today onwards to June 2022 transactions.

Level 2

QBO support is consistently the worst experience I have to go through at my job

So if anyone has any recommendations for accountancy software which supports:



automation of tax/vat rates and calculations


that would be super.


Level 2

QBO support is consistently the worst experience I have to go through at my job

this is consistently the only time available for an 'introductory' call to be shown around the system: 5am. 

Indicative really of customer support here.



Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

QBO support is consistently the worst experience I have to go through at my job


Where is your company located? I noticed you were asking the same question both in US and Global community. In the last screenshot, I see Dublin/Europe.

QuickBooks Team

QBO support is consistently the worst experience I have to go through at my job

Hi there, @Airgead.


Where is your company located? Please be aware that when you connect your bank to QuickBooks, it only provides 90 days of downloads from online banking. Anything before that period will have to be entered manually. However, you can upload transactions to get older ones.  


Any changes to the VAT/tax settings won't update transactions retroactively. Thus, you'll have to edit existing ones by hand. I also recommend entering historical transactions one month at a time. Then, reconcile all bank accounts before going to the next month. 


If you have follow-up questions, please provide them below. We're always here to help.

Level 3

QBO support is consistently the worst experience I have to go through at my job


The comments in this thread DO NOT represent outlier cases.  They are true stories about the operating mode of Intuit.  I currently have their support claiming that my support ticket does not exist even though they sent me a review for it with the number attached.

People keep paying them regardless of how crappy they are so why should they care about you?

Staff are long winded
Level 1

QBO support is consistently the worst experience I have to go through at my job

Am I the only one that finds that QB Support staff are long winded?  It is so bad, you would think they are paid by the word.  They just jabber on using 25 words when 5 would suffice.  Does QB require that they read a script so that they can keep you on the phone for as long as possible?  Doesn't that cost them more money??  Then they don't listen and ask the same thing over and over.  You tell them your problem and they verify it 4 times!  Why?  Am I a child?  I am a CPA and ProAdvisor for over 25 years and I know how to explain an issue but they just keep jabbering on asking the same questions. And why after 3 decades can't they find my account?  I give them my name, company name, email and customer number and every second time I call, they just can't find it?  Why???  When I get those incompetents, I call back and the next person finds it right away.  Why?  Then there is the lack of training.  This week I called with an ROE problem and they wanted me to do something that is unacceptable by Service Canada because they don't know anything about ROEs.  Oh, and I should mention this is a senior call-back person supposedly - not likely!  They just take stabs at things that might work.  Are they not allowed to ask for help to be efficient and learn??.  Then getting a download activated turned into a protracted 1.5 hour experience when the function went into a loop.  How many times are you expected to tick the boxes that have cars, buses, bridges and motorcycles before they figure out you are in a loop and try something else.  Because the agent didn't know the answer, he sent me off on a wild goose chase to the development department to get a new license key because he didn't know how to get a validation code.  Even when you tell them that that you need a code and where you are supposed to put it, they are not listening.  Almost every time I call Support they cannot help me and I have to figure it out myself.  Unfortunately, I have to call to activate and why do I have to do that every single time I get a new version?  No one else I know has to do that and no one can tell me why I can't activate online and NOT call for support.  So I put it off and put it off and finally grit my teeth and call and hope that I don't get some Chatty Cathy that wants to know how I am doing today and then tell me how good it is to hear that my day is fine!  I don't want to chat to these people.  I am a busy person and even if I had nothing to do, I don't what to talk to QuickBooks Support.   At one point I asked a question and told the girl just say "Yes or No".  She could not do it.  It took 3 tries for her to say yes but she still had to jabber on after she said it!  For Goodness Sakes QuickBooks, get these people to stop talking so much.  Train your people, teach them to listen, shorten those scripts, and get them to stop confirming things 4 times.  We are NOT children, we are professional accountants.  PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS.

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