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Level 2

Worst Customer Support Protocols

Today - I spent 5 1/2 hours with a simple question pertaining to QuickBooks Online and Quickbooks Time.  I had a trial in June 2021 that I never used and it expired.  The trial prevented (prevents) writing hourly reports, invoicing and is somehow linking the two applications.


My account shows I have only one application - yet this error persists.


Today, I chatted with one person and spoke with 4 individuals.  All in, I was on the phone for 5.5 hours (as of the writing of this post).  The protocols allowed for "no" escalation and all support is gained via chat rooms.  The support team is hung out to dry and the level of support from Quick is the worst I have experiences (and I have been to the DMV and have a cable subscription).  Someone from management should seriously look into what you are wasting.  Both your customer's and your employees time.  

5 Comments 5
QuickBooks Team

Worst Customer Support Protocols

This isn't the kind of service we want you to experience, @coffey830.

I appreciate the things you've done to fix your concerns pertaining to QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Time. I also understand the inconvenience of waiting. No worries, I'm here to help you the best way I can.


Our QuickBooks Online and QB Time free trials are good for 30 days. If your subscription expires, you'll have read-only access to your data for one year. Since you were using the trial version, you can export them within 90 days. That's why you can't write hourly reports and invoices. 


Regarding the two applications you mentioned, I'd need to know more about them. You'll want to provide a screenshot to clarify which account you're referring to. This way, we can provide the most suitable way to fix your concerns without delay.


As much as I would love to take care of this, resolving this issue requires in-depth troubleshooting steps. For the security of your information, this can't be done in a public forum like the Community. With that, I highly recommend contacting our Customer Care team again. Let's make sure to review their support hours, so you'll know when agents are available.


You can read through this article to learn more about what happens to data after cancelation. This includes the data availability and export policies.


To pick up where you left off, you can integrate QuickBooks Time and QuickBooks Online. To do so, you'll need to have an active subscription.


If you need additional assistance while managing your QuickBooks account, let me know. I'll be around to further help you. Have a nice day.

Level 2

Worst Customer Support Protocols

JamaicA -


Thank you for your response.  


The problem should have been resolved today.  It would be easy, but holding a customer on (5) different calls with individuals who were texting others for answers and were "not allowed" to escalate the call in any way or form.  It is against policy, they told me.  I should not have been forced to endure a day on technical support, with absolutely no technical support.


In the end - I was told they could escalate it, but I would receive a phone call sometime within 24 - 48 hours.....Meaning, I would need to make myself at their disposal.  This too is unacceptable and there is no excuse.


3 of the 5 people I spoke too had access to my system and saw everything I did.  The problem is, they were forced (by policy) to chat with others.  At one time, a supervisor joined into my screen (the name changed from the person I spoke with to a supervisor).  I discovered this the supervisor joined the screen, but would not join a call to help me.


The problem is not your people.  The problem is with your management's policy and lack of training.  


Lastly - you offer integrated Apps (which clearly negatively impact each other).  But your solutions and problem resolution is not-integrated.  Rather, you have two teams of people pointing fingers at each other.  My customer's would fire me for this conduct.


The case number is [Removed by Moderator] if you would like to or a supervisor can call.  I suspect, a supervisor will not and we'll see if anyone responds as promised to fix this.  My account ends in the following numbers [Removed by Moderator].

Level 2

Worst Customer Support Protocols

The saga continues.....


I'm not 9.5 hours of my time either on-hold or with gatekeepers.  I have spoken with (9) people and have been promised either an e-mail response or phone all from (3) people.  In three days, I have received no response.  Zero.


I listen to the gatekeeper's text their superiors....but no one is allowed to speak with a customer or resolve the issue.


Since this started, Quicken has blamed another department (4) times.  Quickbooks Online blames Quickbooks Time.  Quickbooks Time, blames Quickbooks Online.  I'm exacerbated.


All of this is due to quickbooks time linking its software to my account, but admitting I have no account or activity with this version.  Basically, I cannot produce year-end invoicing because of this error.


The problem, was to be resolved within hours on Tuesday, Wednesday and not Thursday of this week.  Moments ago, they responded that this would be resolved within 10 - 14 days for a response.


The level of service from Quickbooks is now epic in its ability to disappoint.  They are the worst customer service I have seen in years....perhaps ever.  The number of firewalls between solutions, answers and its customers is unbelievable.  


I have a simple business, but have run companies serving customers in 14 countries with technical solutions.  My customers would fire me for this level of incompetence.


I strongly suggest you find another provider.  Quickbooks is not a company deserving of respect or your trust.



Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

Worst Customer Support Protocols

@coffey830 wrote:

I strongly suggest you find another provider.  Quickbooks is not a company deserving of respect or your trust.



Consider using a 3rd party time tracking app to integrate with your QBO. Otherwise, time to switch to another accounting app completely.

Level 2

Worst Customer Support Protocols

JamaicaA - 


FYI.  We are now on day four.  I have been promised a response from three people and have had none.  


Your words are appreciated, but hollow.  Quickbooks is simply a company without a customer focus.  


This is clear and the more I read these forums, the more I regret my decision to use your software earlier this year.  


I've one request of quickbooks in 10 months and you have failed miserably.

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