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Level 2

Payment's matching bank transactions problem/bug

When a payment is recorded & the bank transaction comes through to match to the payment. There is a problem if the bank transaction is lower than said payment. 

My example is : 
Mike has an invoice for $325.
Mike pays (not on QB) invoice in one credit card payment of $325.

I then make a payment (in undeposited funds) for Mike of $325.

QB pulls bank transaction into account at $300 because of (3rd party) $25 credit card fees.

I go to match bank transaction to payment. But it can't find said payment because it is lower than payment. 

I feel this is a mistake on the engineering teams part.


A work around for this is to  edit the invoice so that you account for -$ amount for the credit card fees and delete the payment and then match the bank transaction to the invoice.
The reason this doesn't work for me is due to when the invoice gets synced again, it will clear the accounted for -$ amount because QB won't pull in expense items in a sync.


Any help or ideas? Maybe engineering team will see and fix

6 Comments 6

Payment's matching bank transactions problem/bug



I appreciate your effort to try a workaround. However, everything should sync automatically with QuickBooks Payments transactions. That's why you were ask to set these three accounts during setup:


  • Deposit to Bank Account: The bank account you use to record the deposits and fees.
  • Fees Expense Account: The expense account for fee transactions.
  • Payment Memo: The memo text that QuickBooks adds to the deposit transaction.


Usually, when your customer pays, the invoice is marked as paid. Then, when the payment (minus the fee) is transferred to your bank, a corresponding deposit transaction is automatically created in your selected bank register. The downloaded payment should autofind the autocreated deposit as a matching entry, not the invoice.


Please allow 2-3 business to pass before touching the merchant trnasactions.


You can always go back to this thread if you have other questions in mind.
Level 2

Payment's matching bank transactions problem/bug

Hello thanks for the quick response!

So im assuming you're referring to when a customer pays the invoice via QB. But what I am referring to is when a customer pays via stripe, venmo, or cashapp. Point being that it is off of QB and I then have to match everything up and resolve the remaining balance by putting it in as -$ (credit card fees).

Level 1

Payment's matching bank transactions problem/bug

I kind of have the same thing when my clients pay with eChecks. I record the payment to Undeposited Funds when I receive the payment. When the funds are added to my account, it's for the amount less any fees I'm charged for processing. So a $300 payment to Undeposited Funds shows up at the bank as $296.00, or whatever. 


I have to match those deposits up with when they are paid and I record the deposit on the date it hits the bank by going to New > Bank Deposit. Select the $300 payment that is sitting there, and then add a line item at the bottom for 'Bank Charges and Fees' for -$4.00, totaling a $296.00 bank deposit.


Everything then syncs up for me and I'm able to see how much money I'm paying each month in Bank Charges. Hope this helps.
Level 2

Payment's matching bank transactions problem/bug

I'm assuming you're using the resolve feature when matching the payment? 


If so, the reason this won't work for me is because the matching feature (if payment is $7-$8 more than the bank transaction) won't allow me to see the payment corresponding. 

Level 1

Payment's matching bank transactions problem/bug

I agree with you ... QuickBooks should have an option of allowing you to select ANY (larger) payment to match the (lower) bank transaction without a maximum difference.  That is why the resolve feature is there - to "resolve" the difference.


I hope they fix this in upcoming versions.

QuickBooks Team

Payment's matching bank transactions problem/bug

Hi there.


I understand how important it is to have the option to select any payment to match a bank transaction without any difference. We're constantly improving our services for everyone and take feedback or suggestions.


The main reason behind this is to ensure accuracy and maintain the integrity of the financial data. If there were an unlimited amount allowed for these differences, it could lead to significant inaccuracies in the financial reports and mismanagement of funds. It’s a control measure put in place by QuickBooks to encourage accurate bookkeeping and proper financial management.


While this option isn't available, I recommend sending feedback directly to our product engineers. Your suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Here's how:


  1. Select the Gear icon and choose Feedback.
  2. Fill in your suggestions in the Feedback field.
  3. Select Next to send it.


After successfully matching your transactions, you can also consider reconciling them.


Please don't hesitate to come back here on the community page if you have further concerns besides matching transactions in QuickBooks Desktop. We're always here to ensure your business needs are met.

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