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Artie C
Level 2

bill payment (credit card) not populating REF NO.

when paying bills by credit card, we have to open the bill payment and manually input the credit card that was used to pay the bill. otherwise when printing the bill payment, it does not show the credit care used.

we use multiple credit cards and this issue is adding a step to each bill payment by credit card.


anyone know how to resolve this?


can Intuit please add this feature to an update if there is not way to automate this.



10 Comments 10
QuickBooks Team

bill payment (credit card) not populating REF NO.

Great idea you have there, Artie C.


I know the functionality to automate the process of adding your credit card when paying bills would be beneficial to your business. Since this feature is unavailable, I'd recommend sending a request directly to our Product Development team. This helps us improve your experience of the program. 


Here's how:

  1. Go to the Help menu and then select Send Feedback Online.
  2. Choose Product Suggestion.
  3. Add the type of feedback.
  4. Type in your feature suggestion.
  5. Once done, click Send Feedback.


Additionally, I've added an article that'll help you manage your expenses transactions in QuickBooks Desktop. This keeps your record accurate: Accounts Payable Workflows.


If you have any other questions about paying or managing bills, you're always welcome to tag me in your reply. Our door is always open to help you. Keep safe!

Community Champion

bill payment (credit card) not populating REF NO.

I assume you have one credit card account on your chart of accounts and that account has issued multiple credit cards to different users.


Assuming so, why is it important to you to know the credit card that was used to pay a bill, when there is only one CC account/ one CC bill?

Artie C
Level 2

bill payment (credit card) not populating REF NO.

Don't assume.

I would not have posted this if was using one credit card.

Community Champion

bill payment (credit card) not populating REF NO.

@Artie C  RE: Don't assume.


I wrote: "I assume you have one credit card account on your chart of accounts and that account has issued multiple credit cards to different users."


The only way I can understand your complaint/request is if you're tracking multiple cards issued within the same credit card account, tracked as one account on your chart of accounts.


If instead, you have multiple credit card accounts (meaning you receive a separate statement each month for each account) and you have those accounts individually set up in QuickBooks on your chart of accounts, then what is the issue/the reason for editing the payment?



- What exactly do you add to the bill payment before you print it? What "shows the credit card used"?

- What field of the payment do you add this data to so that it prints on the payment stub?

- Why do you want that to appear on the printed bill payment? What use it is to you?


Depending, perhaps there's another way to make this work for you.

Artie C
Level 2

bill payment (credit card) not populating REF NO.

We have multiple credit cards.. IE  AMEX1234, AMEX5678, VISA2468, VISA3579, etc.  yes each has its only account in quickbooks

Each of these credit cards may have multiple users, but this is not tracked in bill payment as it is not important.  


The issue with Quickbooks bill payment is no matter what CC is used for payment, the Check/Ref No box does not get populated with the payment method.  if bill payment done by WIRE, ACH, printed check, the Check/Ref No is populated with WIRE, ACH or the check number.


As I tried to explain, this only happens when a bill is paid by CC.


Hope you now understand our issue.



Community Champion

bill payment (credit card) not populating REF NO.

Oh, I see. Yes, I think this stems from the general concept in QuickBooks that when creating a payment in your bank account, you assign the document number, such as a check number or other text like "ACH" or "DD". And at the same time for Credit Cards, you don't. Instead, the credit card processor does that. And that if they don't it just doesn't matter.


Still, the Bill Payment printout does include the payment method. Is it essential to repeat it?



Artie C
Level 2

bill payment (credit card) not populating REF NO.

Hence the issue.. it says "Credit Card", and not which credit card was used for payment.

We do not use quickbooks to may credit card payments directly.  We make payments on the outside and then post to quickbooks.   

When selecting the credit cart as bill payment in quickbooks, we would like the check/ref no to auto populate with the payment method as it does for ACH, WIRE, check number.


Hoping Quickbooks will put this into there lists of things to fix for the next release

Community Champion

bill payment (credit card) not populating REF NO.

RE: Hence the issue.. it says "Credit Card", and not which credit card was used for payment.


Hmmm. As previously asked, what are you putting in that field?  Why does it matter?


When you pay by ACH and you enter "ACH" as the check number, it doesn't indicate the bank account you used on the printout...

Artie C
Level 2

bill payment (credit card) not populating REF NO.

I did not complain about ACH payments as we use one operating bank account.

I am discussing the issue with credit card payments.   CC bills arrive and they need to be checked that they are accurate.  We use the bill payment as proof.    With mulitple CC accounts this is the best way to make sure charges are correct on each CC bill.  Each CC card account has a different name in QB.


I appreciate that as a consulting company you are trying to help QB clients, but in this case there is no known solution until QB can make the check/ref no auto populate with the credit card info.

Until then we will be populating the check/ref no manually.






Community Champion

bill payment (credit card) not populating REF NO.

I apologize. I cannot quite follow what you're describing. It's just not detailed enough for me to get my head around.


But, it sounds like you are using the printed bill payment to verify that you recorded the data correctly in QuickBooks when you later get a CC statement.


If so, or if it's something close to that, then you're right in that QuickBooks is not designed to support that sort of thing at all.


The bill payment printout was added for customers who wanted to send it to their vendors, not for internal use. Before it was added a few years ago, there was nothing designed to print - except if you paying by check, and then you'd print the check and send it, and perhaps keep a copy for yourself.


For the purposes of internal tracking, I recommend abandoning the idea of using these individually printed paper bill payments and instead figuring out a report you can print that details these payments - the transaction type is "Bill CCard" in QuickBooks reports.


I recommend using the Check Detail report, modified to show "Bill CCard" transactions instead of checks, and to use "All credit cards" as the Account filter instead of "All bank accounts":


- Run the report. Then click Modify Report. Then on the Filters tab,

- Set the Account filter to "All credit cards"

- Set the Transaction Type filter to "Bill CCard"

- Change the date range as needed.

- Click OK to update the report.


The resulting report will show, per CC payment, the CC payment account and the bills that were paid. That might work for you:



Once you get a report that you like, you can memorize it and then after creating new bill payments, run it again and print it for review.


While this may replace your current printed output to some extent, there is also always the Reconcile feature. If you use it to reconcile the CC account to the CC statement received, the it seems that might be enough(??) It seems very unlikely that you'd manage to reconcile to the statement exactly if the payments were in the wrong account.

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