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Level 2

Convenience Fee Automatic Invoice

I've been hung up on by QuickBooks more times than I can help. Almost every time I have an issue and need support, I guarantee I will have to call multiple times and I will be hung up on at least once. 

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

Convenience Fee Automatic Invoice


Explore another payment processor as I mentioned earlier.

Level 1

Convenience Fee Automatic Invoice

It has been over a year . . .it does not take 365 days to figure out how to add a feature that will automatically add a 3% convenience fee to an invoice once credit card payment has been selected. This is incredibly inconvenient. QBO is supposed to make tracking invoices and profit, etc. easy...or at least easier for small businesses.


Since the original post in this thread, you guys have raised your prices and eliminated packages that were "in between" the packages available today.


I understand that a business is about making money. . .but if you're going to charge for literally every single feature (including those that many of us cannot or do not use), please add the features that many of us have requested.


It's incredibly unprofessional to have to manually adjust an invoice when a c.c. will be's an additional conversation that has to be had with your client.

Level 1

Convenience Fee Automatic Invoice

Dropping in to say that I've seen how far back this feature request goes, and how long it's been since they've said they're working on it. It's a dealbreaker for me too.

Level 2

Convenience Fee Automatic Invoice

We need this feature as well. As a programmer, I can't see how this is that complicated. We are looking for another vender who has better support (copy and paste answers tend to be less than helpful) and the simple features other vendors who charge less offer. Between this and not having a way to easily attach product images to a product/estimate this software is becoming less and less useful.

Level 1

Convenience Fee Automatic Invoice

Update:  I just received an email response outside of this Community area advising that I select a third party vendor to meet my needs.  As others have commented, it's been over a year since this thread began.  Why is the requested feature not  being offered by Intuit?  Why offer a "beta" of a very useful feature then just stop offering it?  You ask for feedback, which it seems falls on deaf ears.  Again, frustrating for the money that users are charged!


RE:  QB Desktop 2021

Thank you, @AlcaeusF, for writing about adding a credit card convenience fee manually to an invoice, which works fine but does not accomplish the goal of the company, which is to pass the credit card fee directly on to the customer.


Let's say the company issuing the invoice charges their customer for work totaling $300, then company adds an Item to the invoice for the 3% credit card convenience fee of $9 making the total invoice $309.  The problem with this method of adding a credit card fee Item to the invoice is that the $309 is what Intuit then charges 3% credit card fee on. 


What the company wants to accomplish is a net zero.  Intuit charges the company 3%, so the company wants to pass this cost directly to their customer.  Adding an Item manually to the invoice does not accomplish this without additional cost to the company. 


The company asks their customer for 3% of the original invoice of $300.  Then, Intuit charge 3% on the invoice total, which includes the 3% credit card fee.  So, the company is having to pay a credit card fee anyway, albeit only the difference between what's collected from customer and what's collected by Intuit.  In this example, only $0.27 but this disparity rises as the amount of the transactions rise (i.e. company charges $8,000 for work plus 3% credit card fee of $240 for an invoice total of $8,240.  Then, Intuit charges 3% on the $8,240, a fee of $247.20.  So, the company is left with a fee of $7.20 to pay.) 


In these economic times where literally every penny counts, it would seem Intuit could make it a higher priority to do what is necessary to assist business owners in accomplishing their true intent.  Things like this are very frustrating considering they are not outlandish expectations.


It appears from what I've read about this situation that there is currently (at 5/19/2022) no fix or work around in QB Desktop???  But, please correct me if I'm incorrect in saying this.  If there is a fix or work around, I would be ecstatic to learn about it.


Thank you,

Kris M

QuickBooks Team

Convenience Fee Automatic Invoice

I appreciate you for the detailed info on your concern, @KrisM1


I can see the importance of having the option to pass the credit card fee directly to your customer. However, as mentioned by my colleague, you can only create an item for the credit card fee, then add them to the invoice. From there, simply select this new item whenever you need it, and QuickBooks will automatically take care of the calculation for you.


Otherwise, you may search for third-party applications that integrate well and provide this option to pass the fee directly to your customer. Though, we're unable to provide recommendations on which one to use.


I suggest you visit the QuickBooks Apps site and look for an app that meets your business needs. 


Additionally, I've included an article that'll help you easily keep track of your sales transactions in QuickBooks Desktop: Customize Customer, Job, and Sales Reports.


Please keep me posted if you have any other questions about adding a subtotal line item to your invoice. I'll be happy to help you out. Have a good one!

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

Convenience Fee Automatic Invoice


You need a 3rd party connector to let your clients pay the convenience fee on your invoices by QB Payments. You can also offer more payment options on the same invoice if required.


payment gateway.jpg




Level 3

Convenience Fee Automatic Invoice

No convenient.  I pay way to much money for this product and to not have a feature like this is ridiculous.  

Level 1

Convenience Fee Automatic Invoice

Wouldn't you still need Quickbooks Payments subscription to send the invoice with a "Pay now" (online) option?

Jelayca V
QuickBooks Team

Convenience Fee Automatic Invoice

I'd be glad to share some information on how you can elevate your invoicing process, @supeters14


Yes, you would need a QuickBooks Payments subscription to send an invoice with a Pay now (online) option in QuickBooks Online (QBO). 


QuickBooks Payments allows you to streamline your payment collection process, enabling your customers to conveniently pay online using various methods such as PayPal, Venmo, credit cards, or ACH bank transfers. By incorporating the Pay now feature in your invoices, you can offer your customers a seamless and efficient payment experience, ultimately enhancing your cash flow and customer satisfaction.


To set up payments, here's how:


  1. Select Settings, then select Account and Settings.
  2. Select Payments, then select Learn more in the QuickBooks Payment section. 
  3. Select Set up Payments.


Once you complete the previous step, you will be directed to the Payments signup window where you will be presented with three sections. These sections include the BusinessOwner/Proprietor, and the Payment deposit section. 


To proceed, you'll need to fill out the form provided in each of these sections. This will help ensure that your payment deposit is processed correctly and that you can receive payments as intended.


When you're finished with all of the sections, select Get Set Up. You'll get an email about your enrollment in a few business days. If approved, you can order things like a mobile card reader directly from the email.


Once everything is set up, you can now Set up your account so customers can pay invoices online and Process payments in QBO. 


For more detailed information and steps for the setup of your account and the steps to process the payments, you can refer to this article:



Additionally, if you want to learn about deposit times for customer payments, you can check out this article for your reference: Find out when QuickBooks Payments deposits customer payments


Keep us posted if you have further questions about setting up payments in QBO. I'll be of help. We look forward to supporting you on your journey to financial success.

Level 11

Convenience Fee Automatic Invoice


You can use 3rd party payment processors.

Level 2

Convenience Fee Automatic Invoice

The answer here is easy - they could do it if they wanted to, but they don't because they're tied in with the credit card companies and those companies don't like it when people are charged more to use their product.

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