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Level 1

Customer Refunds

I have a customer whose CC I keep on file. When I recently billed them for services performed, I charged their card, but they also paid in cash, which was deposited in our bank. So I refunded their credit card, which shows in their customer profile in QBO. However, refunding them for that didn't debit back their open balance. So now I have a $150 cash deposit that needs to be applied to this invoice (now that I refunded their card), but the invoice isn't showing as open. How can I fix this so I can properly apply this cash deposit?

7 Comments 7
QuickBooks Team

Customer Refunds

Let's work together in managing the cash deposit, Andrew.


The invoice may not appear as open because it was paid in full through the initial credit card charge before you issued the refund. You'll need to open the invoice, unlink the payment, and apply the $150 cash deposit. I'll provide the steps below:


If the payment is not yet deposited, here's how we can unlink the payment:


  1. Go to Customers &leads and choose Customers.
  2. Locate and select your customer's name. 
  3. Click View/Edit beside the particular invoice.
  4. In the upper right corner, click the payment link.
  5. Scroll down and tap Clear Payment to unlink the payment.


If the payment is already deposited or linked to a downloaded transaction on your bank feeds, we need to undo the deposit transaction. Refer to the steps below:

  1. Go to Transaction and choose Bank Transaction.
  2. Select the bank account where you deposited the funds.
  3. In the Categorized tab, locate the deposit transaction.
  4. Click Undo.
  5. Then, proceed with the prior steps above in unlinking the payment.


Once the invoice status is open, you can apply the $150 cash deposit to it. Here's how:


  1. Go to Sales and choose Invoices.
  2. Locate the invoice and select Receive payment beside it.
  3. In the Payment method dropdown, choose Cash. Then, in the Deposit To dropdown, click Undeposited Funds.
  4. Enter the payment amount ($150) and hit Save and close.


I'll be a post away if you require further assistance managing invoice payments, Andrew. Stay safe!

Level 1

Customer Refunds

I tried unlinking the payment, and QBO isn't allowing it. I'm getting a message that says:


"This transaction has been deposited. If you want to change or delete it, you must edit the deposit it appears on and remove it first."


I'm not sure what this instruction is really telling me though.


QuickBooks Team

Customer Refunds

We need to delete the deposit first before unlinking the payment, @GEB_Andrew. I'm here to help you on how.


The error message occurs when a payment is deleted before a deposit. To fix this, we should first remove the deposit before the payment. I'm here to guide you on how. 


  1. Head to the Gear icon.
  2. Select Chart of Account.
  3. Search for the bank where you've deposited the payment, then hover to the View Register.
  4. Find the deposit you've created, then click and select Delete.
  5. Hit Yes.


Please check this article for reference: Record and make bank deposits in QuickBooks Online.


Afterward, you can now remove and unlink the payment seamlessly. 


You can check this article for guidance in reviewing the downloaded transactions when you connect your bank in QBO: Categorize and match online bank transactions in QuickBooks Online.


I'll be sure to help you if you have further questions about unlinking your payment in QBO. Just hit the reply button.

Level 1

Customer Refunds

Right, I've unmatched the payment in my banking transactions, per the first response. After doing that, I've tried to clear the payment and that's where I'm still getting the message that

"This transaction has been deposited. If you want to change or delete it, you must edit the deposit it appears on and remove it first."

Why am I still getting the message if I've unmatched the banking transaction?

QuickBooks Team

Customer Refunds

Let me share more information on unmatching your transactions, @GEB_Andrew


We will still need to carry out an additional procedure to overcome that error. First, let’s open the deposit that includes the payment and make the necessary edits. After modifying the deposit, we will proceed to clear the payment to unlink it.
Follow these steps:
  1. Click the Gear icon.
  2. Select Chart of accounts.
  3. Locate the register holding the deposit.
  4. Open the transaction.
  5. If there are multiple line items showing, just uncheck the invoice payment included, then hit Save and close.
  6. If the deposit consists solely of that invoice payment, click on More and select Delete.


Once done, it's time to clear the payment. Here's how:
  1. Go to Sales and choose Invoices.
  2. Open the appropriate invoice.
  3. In the upper right corner, click the payment link.
  4. Select the date to open the transaction.
  5. Scroll down and tap Clear Payment and hit Save and close.


After that process, you can now apply the cash deposit.


Moreover, I'm sharing these articles that can help you manage your invoices and payments in the future: 



I'll be here if you still have questions about customer refunds. Have a great day, and take care.

Level 1

Customer Refunds

I'm getting a different message now when I try and clear the payment that way that is saying:


"This credit card transaction has already been processed through your merchant account, so you can't change the customer, amount, payment method or credit card information. However, if the transaction hasn't already settled, you can refund the payment and save the transaction with different information."


Is it possible to have a phone call about this so we don't have to keep trouble shooting through messages?

QuickBooks Team

Customer Refunds

I appreciate you for coming back to the thread and sharing the different messages you encounter on your end, GEB_Andrew.


Yes, you can have phone call to address the error you received and perform troubleshooting steps. Beforehand, let me share details of what the error means and how it works in the QuickBooks Merchant account.


Please know that after you process payments through a merchant account, QuickBooks puts the money into your bank account. That said, you don't have the option to make any changes to them due to security purposes and avoid getting errors. However, if the deposits aren't yet deposited, you can refund the payment and save the entries with different information.


Then, I recommend contacting our Merchant Support Team. They have full access to your account to verify the cause of the error and can also determine its main cause to ensure it won't happen again. 


Here's how:


  1. Sign in to your QuickBooks Online company.
  2. Click the Help (?) icon at the top right.
  3. Select or type Contact Us.
  4. Enter your concern, then select Let's talk.
  5. Choose a way to connect with us.


In case you need steps on how you can locate deposits or fees to organize your online sales entries using your Online Service Center, you can read this artilcle: Find transactions, deposits, or fees in the Merchant Service Center.


I'll be happy to help if you need any further assistance with this refund matter or anything else. Just leave me a message, and I’ll make sure to get back as soon as I can, GEB_Andrew. Have a great day!

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