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Level 1

Deposits on Hold

Can anyone please tell me how the successfully got their deposits on hold released? 
Similar to many on here I have multiple deposits being held, the resolution center says  ‘information needed’ and to click on the due date to submit. There is no due date or details of the info

they need. 


I call and call and it is sitting idle. Continually getting ‘escalated’ with nothing happening. 

The consequences of this matter not being resolved immediately are far reaching. I cannot pay rent, the company car, myself. I am unable to complete the work this week that we have been paid to do, and companies will no longer work with us. 

I will file with the NY attorney general but all I really want is the money released that has been paid to me. 5 separate invoices. 

Any tricks to get this resolved? 

3 Comments 3
QuickBooks Team

Deposits on Hold

It sounds like you've been through an ordeal, @MJ11231.


I want to assure you that I'll do what I can to make sure this gets resolved urgently. I'll also route you in the right direction for support.


It can be challenging when payments are held for review, but please know that this process is in place to ensure the benefit of everyone involved. If you're unable to find the necessary button on the QuickBooks mobile app, I recommend checking your email inbox. You should receive an email at the address associated with your Merchant Service Center account, providing specific steps to address any issues.


Additionally, I see that you've already reached out to our support team, but I encourage you to contact our Customer Care Team again. They can thoroughly review your account in a safe and secure environment and conduct a more in-depth investigation using their resources.


Here's a step-by-step guide on how to contact us:

  1. Go to the Help menu and select the Search tab.
  2. Then, click Contact Us.
  3. Then, enter a brief description of your concern and select Continue.
  4. Lastly, choose either Start a Chat or Get a Callback to start connecting with them.


You can also contact support through chat using the Merchant Service Center


You can find our support hours in this article: Contact Payments Support. There's also a specific number included that you can call if you still need assistance.


For your guidance, here's a list of articles that may help you with the most commonly asked questions: QuickBooks Payments FAQ.


Please know that I'm here to guide you through this, and I'll make sure you receive the support you need during this challenging time. If you have any other concerns about QuickBooks Payments, feel free to leave a reply below. I'm just one post away.

Level 1

Deposits on Hold

This current ordeal is only to the benefit of QBs. You are playing with money paid to me from several different vendors. There is no security risk that can be rationalized. And further to that there is no reasonable explanation as to why this process cannot be expedited. 

I do not have an email in my inbox regarding the information needed. That is why I have turned to message board in desperation. I have called and called your customer care team who have been trained to ‘escalate’ the case without further comment or referral. 

Please provide me with next steps based on the information I have provided you with:


- I have spoken with customer care 6+ times to no avail. The case escalated every 2 days. 


- I do not have next steps regarding the case in the resolution center. Please see screenshot attached to my initial post. 

QuickBooks Team

Deposits on Hold

I completely understand your sentiments and the urgency of your situation, @MJ11231.


I want to assure you that I'm here to help you navigate through this experience. 


I understand that you've already made several attempts to connect with our support team. However, if you find yourself without updates after a few days from your last contact, I encourage you to reach out to them again. They can follow up on your case and give you real-time assistance if needed. You can follow the steps I've provided above to contact support.


For more information on why a payment you accepted is on hold, you can check out this article: Why are my funds on hold?


If you have any other concerns, please feel free to leave a reply. I genuinely want to see this matter resolved for you as soon as possible. Keep safe.

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