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Level 1

Have Customers Read and Agree to a Purchasing Agreement before making Payment

Hi - I am looking for some help. We need our clients to read and agree to a Purchase Agreement before they place an order and make payment (this agreement is about a full page long). I would like to do this within Quickbooks but I have not seen a way to do this. 


We currently send them to our website where they read the terms and agree, but we have to manually track this and then send an invoice - automating this would be a big improvement. 


Before I give up, I thought I'd reach out here. 



  • We send customer an Invoice or Estimate (whichever works) 
  • Customer is directed to a page where they read all terms and "agree" <-- check a box, which is recorded
  • Only after they agree are they provided with the ability to pay and process the order. 


If this was 2 separate steps it would be fine; meaning they could first agree to terms and are then are automatically sent an invoice with the payment link, but I'd like to keep this within Quickbooks. 


Thanks in advance,  



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QuickBooks Team

Have Customers Read and Agree to a Purchasing Agreement before making Payment

Great to have you here in the Community, @johnrobbfl. I’ll assist you with your concern regarding invoice in QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT).


Currently, the option to allow customers to agree to your purchase agreement before ordering and paying the invoice is unavailable in QuickBooks Desktop.


Rest assured that our product developers are always open to suggestions to improve our products and are able to meet our customers’ business needs.


Thus, I recommend that you send your feedback directly to our product engineers. They will be able to consider this option and assist you with your business demands in this manner.


You can send feedback by following these steps:


  1. Click the Help menu located at the top.
  2. Choose the Send Feedback Online then click Product Suggestion.
  3. Type in your feedback or feature request.
  4. Click the Send Feedback button.


I'm also attaching this screenshot for visual reference:



Let me know in the comments should you have any further questions about sales transactions. I’m hoping your business will prosper. Have a great day!

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

Have Customers Read and Agree to a Purchasing Agreement before making Payment


What kind of business do you run? You may need a 3rd party app to do so.

Level 1

Have Customers Read and Agree to a Purchasing Agreement before making Payment

I just wanted to say, it's rediculous that its 2023, and you guys still have not found a way around this issue...It honestly makes no sense. Simply extend the character limit from 400 to infinite and boom I can easily add my agreement to it. However, you have us maxed at 400 characters. Also, this issue has been brought up since 10 years ago, I saw on your other Q and A's and every year you guys just tell us that you are working on it. What is there to work on exactly? LMAO!!!!!!

Level 1

Have Customers Read and Agree to a Purchasing Agreement before making Payment

Yes we agree and second this!   It is ridiculous,  especially this day in age when everyone has no accountability for themselves and QB has dramatically increased their subscription costs.  This would decrease everyone's liability, both business and QB, it's a simple fix, really, We are looking at integrations now to see if anything will work, let us know if you find anything please!


Level 4

Have Customers Read and Agree to a Purchasing Agreement before making Payment

You may consider having a proposal management app. But it only supports QB Online.

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