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David W Ristau CPA
Level 3

Instant Deposit feature stopped working in December 2021

Has anyone else had teh Instant Deposit feature suddenly stop working in the Quickbooks Pro Accountant Desktop versions 2021 and 2022?


If yes, how was it resolved?


Instant deposit stopped working in mid-December 2021 and as of posting date of this query, Feb 3, 2022, the instant deposit feature is still not working and I've spent 30+ hours with Intuit customer support trying to get the feature turned on again.


Thanks for your replies,


David W Ristau CPA

2 Comments 2

Instant Deposit feature stopped working in December 2021

Thanks for reaching out to us, David.


We want to make sure you're able to use our services without any issues. Can you please share with us some details of the issue you're getting with Instant Deposits? Are you getting any error messages while using this feature or are the customer funds not coming through? Any details will help us provide the resolution to your concern.


While waiting for the details, here are some related links about Instant Deposits and some fixes you may try. See the following links:



I'll be waiting for your response, so I can help you further. Have a good one!

David W Ristau CPA
Level 3

Instant Deposit feature stopped working in December 2021

After spending over 30 hours on the telephone since mid-December 2021, I have the answer as to what happened to my Instant Deposit ability:


First of all, I was repeatedly lied to by the USA and Phillpine call center "Payment Department Payment Support Ability Team" as to what caused the issue and that it had been completely resolved by my explanation and service would be restored within 24 to 48 hours of January 3, 2022.


I discovered via after-the-fact email that a former client had put a stop-payment on a $360 invoice payment for one of her companies and that she placed an additional stop-order through another of her companies for a regular monthly invoice. Stop order was placed on a Friday; nothing received verbally or in writing from the now former client stating a stop payment order was being placed. Instead, I received an email from Merchant Processing Department alerting me to fact former client had put a stop payment order the previous Friday.


When I called the first few times trying to get an answer I learned, as is already well known amongst front line customer service personnel, that the "Payment Department Payment Support Ability Team" is extremely difficult to reach at any time for answers and is very evasive in their answers as to personnel responsible for the actions, supervisors and managers do not return telephone calls, and no email access is available to any QuickBooks Pro Advisor or regular customer to resolve the issue caused by retail client. 


I also learned that once a stop payment order has been placed by your customer that QuickBooks and the ACH system put a minimum 6 to 12 month hold on accepting any future payments made by the client to the accountant using the same payment bank account, even if all of the former issues were resolved and closed.

It took 12 hours of lost billing time on the telephone to learn that little piece of non-disclosed information.


It means that when a customer calls the bank and the stop payment order is removed by the customer, the banker tells the customer the sop payment is removed AND doesn't tell the customer that it makes no difference if the stop order is removed; the block on the bank account will continue for the next 6 to 12 months or permanently, depending on bank non-disclosed policy.


On at least 3 separate occasions QB personnel told me that all issues were resolved and that Instant Deposit would be restored within 24 to 48 hours. All 3 times this was verified with "Payment Dept Payment Support ability Team" and all 3 times the team member lied to QuickBooks customer service representative and me and deliberately misled us to believe that the service was being restored.


One customer service representative and support area personnel had me uncouple my payment history file in Merchant Services records, DELETE the file and let the system rebuild and restore the my payments history overnight into the next day for a 24 hour period before once again trying without success to make an Instant Deposit.


The latest time spent was 4 hours yesterday and another 3 hours today on the telephone with one dedicated customer representative who tenaciously pursued all the so-called "waiting for information" statements in the case log, only to face the same runaround and pushback from the "Payment Dept Payment Support Ability Team" to the point where the team members began hanging up on the representative after lying to her about what was happening with my account.


Today, one "Payment Dept Payment Support Ability Team Member"  lied to the QuickBooks customer service person and told her "if one of the deposits of the bath" doesn't qualify for instant deposit then the entire batch is disqualified." Besides being a lie, since I had had many such mixed batches of ACH and credit card payments be instantly deposited without the AMEX credit card payment, the Payment Dept Payment Support  Ability Team Member refused to explain how a recurring deposit amount for over 2 years from Wells Fargo Bank and my own bank that never were rejected now suddenly became disqualified for Instant Deposit.


It wasn't until about 30 minutes ago a low level supervisor called from the Philippines call center to tell me that it was indeed the 2 stopped payments from mid-December that now caused the instant deposit feature to be permanently removed from my account.


NO consideration for prior 24 months of 30+ deposits per month instant deposits without incident as proof of reliability of my deposit stream.


That's incredible to me: 1 $360 actual stopped payment and 1 no dollar pre-deposit stopped payment versus minimum 720 deposited items over a 24 month period without any issues of payment means nothing as a reasonable factor to restore the Instant Deposit Service.


That's how QuickBooks treats its Pro Advisors: it hides, it evades and then outright lies to the Pro Advisor when the "Payment Dept Payment Support Ability Team" is finally pushed back into a corner and forced to tell the truth about its actions and lies.


I guarantee this post is also going to be on my FaceBook, Instagram and Twitter accounts and posted to QuickBooks FaceBook account pages so that all other Pro Advisor and retail customers can learn first-hand how QuickBooks really feels about its Pro Advisors and retail accounting and payroll clients and continues to lie, evade and ignore a history of impeccable long term deposit history.


David W Ristau CPA

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