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Level 2

My credit card declined for annual renewal, need to change to monthly. QB demands annual then will issue credit I have no way to pay it what can I do?

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QuickBooks Team

My credit card declined for annual renewal, need to change to monthly. QB demands annual then will issue credit I have no way to pay it what can I do?

Good day, @KevyGo.


I'd be glad to help you change your subscription billing period. This way, you're able to pay your subscription in QuickBooks Online. Here's how:


  1. Sign in to QuickBooks Online as a primary admin.
  2. Go to Settings ⚙ and select Subscriptions and billing.
  3. Select Switch to monthly billing or Switch to annual billing.
  4. Select Switch, then select Done.


In addition, here are a couple of things you should know before you update your payment schedule:


  • When switching to a different billing schedule, you'll get a credit on your new plan based on the unused portion of your old plan.
  • When switching from annual to monthly billing:
    • You may have to wait until there are 30 days before your next payment.
    • You will get a refund for any unused portion of your old annual plan that we can't roll over as credit on your new plan.


For additional reference, please see this article: Manage billing, payment, and subscription info in QBO.

For further questions about managing your subscriptions, simply add your details to this thread and I'll get back to you. Have a good one.

Level 2

My credit card declined for annual renewal, need to change to monthly. QB demands annual then will issue credit I have no way to pay it what can I do?

While I thank you very much for your reply ReymondO I have been struggling with this issue since Nov 23rd beginning with trying with what you have suggested. It did not work, and nothing has worked since then.

Nov 23rd was the day my annual subscription was due for renewal. It was also Thanksgiving Day. I went online to change the manner of payment s the credit card on file is overlimit, and also to change the billing to monthly because I do not have the resources to pay the annual amount. (That is another story in itself.) Online would not allow me to change the billing period until after I paid the full amount of the annual subscription $344. It was declined. I added another credit card number which does not have enough available credit to cover the $344 and it was also declined. I tried the debit card for my checking account which also does not have enough funds to cover the $344 and it was also declined.  It would have covered the monthly amount of $30 however the QB Online program would not allow that; demanding the annual amount of $344. I went to the help section where I requested a chat but QB support was closed for Thanksgiving and would not reopen until Monday Nov 27th.


Monday Nov 27th at 2pm I called [removed] and was told to call 800-4INTUIT. I talked at length to Noel. I followed his instructions which resulted in the same results as I had before. Declined for $344, unable to change to the monthly amount. He told me I had to pay the $344 first, then I would be able to change to monthly billing, then QB would issue credit for the difference. The problem of course is I did not, and still do not, have enough funds to cover the $344. I asked to be transferred to a manager. 


The manger, Joseph, had me attempt the same thing again, it failed again, He said I'd have to talk to an QBOnline Expert to see if I can use the monthly amount. I then talked to this Expert, Aileen. 

Aileen said to wait until I had received seven (7) emails of failed payment notices when the account would be made Inactive. Then I could re-subscribe for monthly billing. That for now I can only wait until then. There was no other way.


I've been using QuickBooks at various employers since the 1980's. After moving to QB Online I've always paid annually. I suppose at this time I will explain my lack of available funds. I am a victim of a Military Romance Scam. All of my credit cards have been maxed out and closed. My checking account also. So I am in a desperate situation.


I waited until the 7 email notices were rec'd and the account inactivated. Wed Dec 20th I had an online chat with support for over 2 hours with Marvin [removed] beginning at 6:10pm. I have the entire chat copied and pasted into a file on my computer. He made many attempts but the system would not allow him to change the account to active in order to change the subscription to monthly without $344 payment. I asked him to reduce the annual subscription amount to $30, then take the payment and change it to monthly. He could not do that. He checked his resources and even communicated with the Engineering Team and they said that is something that they are still working on their end to make that possible to apply promotion for the plan that is not active and also for changing the subscription payment regardless if that is for monthly or annually set up.

I asked him to charge it to a QuickBooks company credit card then change my subscription to monthly and the refund would go back to the QB credit card, Then I asked him to simply give me a year for no money then I would change it to monthly right away. He said the system would not allow it, and he doesn't have an option to do that. I asked for QB to give me a credit or loan account, charge it to that and credit it back when changed to monthly.


At 8pm I asked him to refer the conversation to QB corporate management. He said we could leave feedback to the engineering team regarding this. Told me to click the Gear icon and leave feedback as that is the quickest way to send improvements or suggestions to the system engineers. I copied and pasted the chat and left it as feedback.


Ann at 8:05 PM said If you wish to retain my business then please reply very soon. I realize that I am a very tiny account for you, so not important enough to resolve this issue.


Marvin [removed] at 8:09 PM said We value our all QuickBooks customer/s here regardless of their subscriptions that they purchased


That is not what we want you to feel rather


And so that was that. No help at all.


Today (yesterday now) Thurs Dec 21 I thought to try starting a new QB Simple Start account on a monthly subscription with the data transferred from the existing account.An online chat with Alain D. in sales assured me that would be done. Here is a copy of the chat: 

You can cancel anytime within the product or by calling a customer service representative. Do you agree to these terms?

You at 14:16, Dec 21:

Contingent on the successful transferring of data from Company ID


Alain D. at 14:17, Dec 21:

that's the company ID associated with this new plan


This did not happen. I now have a second QB Simple Start account and the data did not transfer or combine as I was told. I talked on the phone to Andrea case # 15109497490 and through instructions from her with screenshare she was going to import the data from the old file. She could not accomplish this and after 54 minutes the call was disconnected.


I need for Quickbooks to fix this. To apply the payment of the monthly subscription to the old account, or put the data from the old file into the new one.  Please help me.



QuickBooks Team

My credit card declined for annual renewal, need to change to monthly. QB demands annual then will issue credit I have no way to pay it what can I do?

I can imagine the hurdle you’ve been through, KevyGo. 


Please know that this isn’t the kind of impression that we'd like you to have. I know you're putting so much effort and time into getting a resolution to your concern.  I’ll make sure you get routed in the right direction of support to get this sorted out. 


I suggest contacting our Customer Care Team again. I acknowledge the value of your time, but reaching out to them enables them to assess your account and review any previous tickets or cases that have been created for you.



Here's how to reach them:


  1. Click the Help menu in the upper-right-hand corner.
  2. Type in "Talk to a human", then press Enter.
  3. Select Contact Support Team.
  4. Type again Talk to a human and click Contact Support Team.
  5. Choose a way to connect with us.


I'll also add a reference on how you can manage your billing, payment, and subscription info in QuickBooks Online. This will help you if you make changes to your plan. 


I'm just around the corner if you need further help to manage your subscription in QuickBooks. I'll be happy to assist you again. Stay safe and have a pleasant day!

Level 2

My credit card declined for annual renewal, need to change to monthly. QB demands annual then will issue credit I have no way to pay it what can I do?

Hello, I contacted support again following your directions. Chatted with Ailyn. beginning at 6:33pm. Went through all of the problems again. She abrubtly left the chat at 7:39 pm without resolving anything. Please contact me again.

Level 11

My credit card declined for annual renewal, need to change to monthly. QB demands annual then will issue credit I have no way to pay it what can I do?


Can you use Paypal as a workaround to convert your subscription to monthly?

Alternatively, can you have someone else use their credit card to help and you will reimburse them later?


Level 2

My credit card declined for annual renewal, need to change to monthly. QB demands annual then will issue credit I have no way to pay it what can I do?

Thank you so much 4Gal for your reply and suggestion. Unfortunately there is no one I know who is able to temporarily pay the $344 and wait who knows how long before a credit comes back to their account.
I'm a poor old widow woman, an ideal 'mark' for a scammer. And I've been taken for all the credit available to me, and ruined my long standing checking and bank accounts, also my Pay Pal account. I will get a Social Security benefit for the month of January shortly after the new year; however, won't be able to pay rent if I use it for QuickBooks for an undetermined amount of time until a refund is processed.
I was a simple bookkeeper for 50 years, Now have been the administrator for the business my daughter is trying to establish, I've been paying the QuickBooks fees for her myself. She does not have the funds to pay this.
I know that QuickBooks has the ability to do this and have suggested several workarounds to them.
I have trouble with the fact that they refuse to accommodate this request even from a client such as myself who has used their product literally for decades. And also that so many of their staff gives false/misleading information as well as essentially hanging up on me. Again I thank you for your suggestion.

Level 11

My credit card declined for annual renewal, need to change to monthly. QB demands annual then will issue credit I have no way to pay it what can I do?

I have another option, convert your data to a QB Desktop file and use the trial version to access your data.

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