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Level 1

How do I apply 'payment link' credit card payment to an open invoice?



1. I created an invoice for a customer project.

2. I wanted the customer to pay me a 10% deposit for the project.

3. Instead of having the customer make the 10% deposit using the payment portal in the invoice itself, I sent a 'payment link' via Quickbooks requesting the 10% deposit amount.

4. The customer paid by credit card.

5. The transaction was recorded as a Sales Receipt.

5. The funds were deposited into my bank account. 




I have a Sales Receipt transaction and I would like these funds applied to the open Invoice instead. I have referenced several QB help articles and attempted those solutions but I am still unable to understand how to apply this payment to the open Invoice

Best answer September 15, 2021

Best Answers

How do I apply 'payment link' credit card payment to an open invoice?

I'm here to help ensure you're able to apply the sales receipt to your open invoice in QuickBooks Online, User122.


You can use the Find Match feature in QuickBooks Online to apply the sales receipt transaction to your open invoice. Here's how:


  1. From your Banking page, select your bank account and click the Sales Receipt.
  2. Choose to Find match.
  3. Filter the transaction and dates to show all Open invoices.
  4. Select the correct invoice and double-check the payment amount.
  5. Hit Save.


Once done, the invoice will remain open with the remaining balance. See the sample screenshot below.


You can also record a partial payment to your open invoice by following the steps in this article: Record invoice payments in QuickBooks Online. On the same link, you'll find steps on how to record multiple payments in QuickBooks Online as well as finding customers' balances.


Please let me know if you have any other questions. I'm always here to help and provide you additional assistance. Have a wonderful day!

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6 Comments 6

How do I apply 'payment link' credit card payment to an open invoice?

I'm here to help ensure you're able to apply the sales receipt to your open invoice in QuickBooks Online, User122.


You can use the Find Match feature in QuickBooks Online to apply the sales receipt transaction to your open invoice. Here's how:


  1. From your Banking page, select your bank account and click the Sales Receipt.
  2. Choose to Find match.
  3. Filter the transaction and dates to show all Open invoices.
  4. Select the correct invoice and double-check the payment amount.
  5. Hit Save.


Once done, the invoice will remain open with the remaining balance. See the sample screenshot below.


You can also record a partial payment to your open invoice by following the steps in this article: Record invoice payments in QuickBooks Online. On the same link, you'll find steps on how to record multiple payments in QuickBooks Online as well as finding customers' balances.


Please let me know if you have any other questions. I'm always here to help and provide you additional assistance. Have a wonderful day!

Level 1

How do I apply 'payment link' credit card payment to an open invoice?

Thank you so much, Rose-A! This solved my problem and I greatly appreciate your assistance. This was a bit of a frustrating experience and I'm glad I have this reply to fall back on in the future when I encounter this situation again. Big thanks!

Level 2

How do I apply 'payment link' credit card payment to an open invoice?

I had a similar original issue, and while I was able to match the Sales Receipt to the invoice and apply the payment, it's still adding the income from the Sales Receipt on top of the invoice total.


Eg. My project invoice is for $5,000, I sent a payment link asking for $2,500. I matched & applied the $2,500 Sales Receipt and it shows correctly as a payment on the invoice. But the customer/project shows $7,500 in sales. How do I fix this?

QuickBooks Team

How do I apply 'payment link' credit card payment to an open invoice?

I appreciate you for providing us with detailed information. I'm here to provide some ways to get around with your concern, wegerm.


All sales transactions will reflect on the Sales dashboard. This means, regardless of what type of account you've chosen, it'll add up on the Sales dashboard.


To give you the best solution to your question, this way, we can avoid double entry. You can delete the Sales receipt and match the payment deposit to invoice .you made to correct it.


To delete sales receipt, you can follow the steps below on how to do this:


  1. Select Sales in the left-hand menu
  2. Go to the All Sales tab,
  3. Click on the Sales Receipt you wish to delete
  4. At the bottom of the page click on More and select Delete
  5. Select Yes to confirm


Here's how to match the payment deposit to an invoice 


  1. Go to the Transaction menu, and then Banking.
  2. In the For Review tab, select the payment.
  3. Choose Find Match or Find other matches.
  4. Locate and select the open invoice.
  5. Press Save once done.


In addition, you'll want to categorize and match online bank transactions with what you've entered in QuickBooks Online.


Feel free to post a reply if you have additional details on your question above. I'll be around to help you out. Have a pleasant day!

Level 2

How do I apply 'payment link' credit card payment to an open invoice?

And just to be sure, can I delete the Sales Receipt without refunding the actual payment? Basically, keep the money but delete/void the record of the "extra" sale?


I was able to balance everything as-is by making a Credit Memo and matching the Sales Receipt to the bank Deposit instead of the Invoice. 


But my main question is: what is the best practice for requesting project deposits in QBO? Payment Link is nice because it doesn't require the customer to edit the amount like in the Invoice Payment screen. But maybe there's a better way.


How do I apply 'payment link' credit card payment to an open invoice?

I'm glad to provide additional insights about requesting project deposits in QuickBooks Online (QBO), wegerm.


QBO recently released the new version of estimates and invoices for your customers to commit to your projects.


You can request a deposit from an estimate if you're using QuickBooks Payments and the new version of estimates. Then, QuickBooks automatically:


  1. Marks the estimate as accepted.
  2. Converts the estimate to an invoice.
  3. Records the deposit as a partial payment on the new invoice. 


I'm adding this link in case you find this interesting for your business: Request and accept deposits on estimates in QuickBooks Online. It'll also help check if you're seeing the updated version of the estimate.


If your estimate isn't updated, don't worry, our Product Team is migrating all QuickBooks account by batch. Once you see the update on your company file, you can start using the new estimate.


For now, you can use the progress invoicing process for accepting partial payments on projects.


Leave a comment below if you need additional information about requesting project deposits. I'm always around to provide steps and related articles to help you with the process.

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