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In my Profit &Loss report I have 2 different accounts set-up as sub-accounts under the same parent account. For some reason, one creates another line on my P&L with the account name followed by 'other' and the other is just listed on a single line.

3 Comments 3

In my Profit &Loss report I have 2 different accounts set-up as sub-accounts under the same parent account. For some reason, one creates another line on my P&L with the account name followed by 'other' and the other is just listed on a single line.

Let's sort this out so you can run your Profit and Loss correctly, kyoung24.


Can you also tell us if both sub-accounts were created similarly? Sub-accounts are naturally shown as separate lines under the parent account.


If one of the sub-account is showing differently from the other, let's toggle its settings into a parent account. Then, turn it back to a sub-account. Here's how:


  1. Open your Chart of Accounts.
  2. Look for the sub-account that's showing incorrectly in the report.
  3. Right-click on it and select Edit account.
  4. Uncheck the box for Subaccount, then click Save and close.


After that, go to the Windows menu and select Close all. Then, go back to the Chart of Accounts and make the account sub-account again. 


Once done, open your Profit and Loss report to check if both of them are now showing correctly. 


Aside from that, you can also try to verify and rebuild your data just in case the issue remains. It's possible that a data issue is causing unexpected behavior when running your Profit and Loss report. Here's an article as a guide: Verify and Rebuild Data in QuickBooks Desktop.


I'd also like to share a couple more articles for extra references:



Don't hesitate to post more question or reply to us below if you have other inquiries. We're more than ready to help and assist you again. 

Community Champion

In my Profit &Loss report I have 2 different accounts set-up as sub-accounts under the same parent account. For some reason, one creates another line on my P&L with the account name followed by 'other' and the other is just listed on a single line.

There is nothing wrong with your file.


This is normal and happens when you use a parent account directly. QB uses the parent account row on the P&L as a label and then adds the "- Other" row for the amount recorded using the parent account.


In this example, the Automobile account was not used directly, but the Office account was - for $12.00:




Community Champion

In my Profit &Loss report I have 2 different accounts set-up as sub-accounts under the same parent account. For some reason, one creates another line on my P&L with the account name followed by 'other' and the other is just listed on a single line.


RE: Uncheck the box for Subaccount, then click Save and close.

After that, go to the Windows menu and select Close all. Then, go back to the Chart of Accounts and make the account sub-account again. 

Once done, open your Profit and Loss report to check if both sub-accounts are now showing correctly.


No, doing that won't fix anything because there is nothing wrong. This is how QuickBooks has always worked. Since the beginning of time. For decades.

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