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Level 2

invoicing rent with 2 parties responsible for payment

I have a section 8 tenant that pays a small portion of the rent, while the Housing folks pay the majority.  I currently invoice the full rent as a single line item.  Problem is the Housing agency pays on time, but the tenant does not.  I am currently applying Housing payments to the oldest balances first, which includes the tenant portion responsibility.  This results in multiple open invoices with payments usually spanning more that a single invoice.  Reconciliation is tough.  Is there a better way to handle this?

3 Comments 3
Level 13

invoicing rent with 2 parties responsible for payment



This is the same reply I made to your other, similar post:


As long as you're using Receive Payment (New > Receive payment), you can divide the payment between invoices as you see fit and the bank deposit will match the total payment.  For example, if you receive a $1,000 payment, you can divide it up between as many invoices as you want on the Receive Payment screen and the $1,000 total deposit will be deposited to the account chosen in the 'Deposit to' drop-down.  That makes the bank rec easy.  Are you doing it some other way?   

Level 2

invoicing rent with 2 parties responsible for payment

Yes. That is true. But, it doesn't help me answer the tenant when they call and ask this question: "Exactly what month is this left over charge for $50.00.  I pay my rent.every month."

Level 13

invoicing rent with 2 parties responsible for payment



An option for you is to add the previous month(s) late fees to the current month's invoice as separate line items.  You can issue a credit memo for the late fees that you are forwarding to the new invoice or, if you're a cash basis taxpayer, you can remove the late fees from those invoices.    

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