It's good to see you here in the Community, @pebm.
I can help you pull up a budget report by class in QuickBooks Online.
To do that, you'll have to enable class tracking first. Then, make sure to select a class when creating a budget. I'll show you how:
- Go to the Gear icon. Then, select Budgeting.
- Fill out the budget name and all necessary information.
- Under the Subdivided by drop-down, select Class.
- Enter the numbers needed on each account.
- Click on Save.
Now follow these steps to run the report:
- Click on the Reports menu.
- On the search field, enter Budget vs. Accrual.
- Select the Report period.
- Click on the Customize button.= and hit the Filter drop-down.
- Choose Class and select a class.
- Select Run report.
Once done, you'll need to export this report to an Excel file. This way, all data will be combined.
Feel free to review these articles to guide you in managing reports.
You can always reach out to us if you have other concerns with QuickBooks and reports. The Community is always ready to assist. Take care!