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Level 2

Quickbooks timecenter notes field is no longer copied to the invoice description field.

I am hoping someone here can help.  It appears that our QB has lost the relationship between the timesheet "notes" field and the invoice "Description" field.  My clients are rejecting my invoices asa they do not know what they are paying for.  We ran a few batches before we caught the error so the situation is quite dire now as we have a 90 day pay window and we are already missing

Here is a screenshot of the issue.  The Timecenter detail is no longer copying into the invoice and the service item description is used instead.  The individual services are also combined into one line item so we lose all the detail and project information contained on the timesheet.

Bad invoice with missing detail and services combined into single entry.png


Here is the detail I am supposed to see in the notes field.  This stopped working when we were still on QB 2021.  Support required me to upgrade to 2022 and we still see the issue with new invoices.  We have spent over 20 hours with support trying to fix this to no avail.

Timesheet entries with proper descriptions.png


Here is the last good invoice.  When I create a new invoice and I am prompted to add time entries, the list no longer contains the descriptions you see below.  QB used to pull all that information in to the invoice automatically and the invoice looked like this:

Working invoice.png

5 Comments 5
Level 2

Quickbooks timecenter notes field is no longer copied to the invoice description field.

Sweet baby Jesus, I figured it out!  After 20 hours with Quickbooks over 2 weeks I figured out the issue myself! 


When you choose to enter time worked for Billable time and costs on an invoice, there is an options button on the far right.   When I clicked that the dialog box opened and the "combine activities with same service item" was selected.  No idea how or why that got changed but changing it to transfer notes and descriptions fixed the issue.Fix for bad invoices.png

Level 2

Quickbooks timecenter notes field is no longer copied to the invoice description field.

I fixed it myself!  After hours of talking to support, I figured out what went wrong.  See below.  I was able to add time worked and clicked on "options" and somehow "combine activities with the same service items" was checked!  I set to "Transfer both notes and descriptions" and voila!  Works again!  I feel cheated that I upgraded to 2022 to get support and wasted 20 hours and 2 weeks only to figure it out myself!  :-(


Fix for bad invoices.png


Quickbooks timecenter notes field is no longer copied to the invoice description field.

I appreciate you for sharing your detailed concern in the Community, @dmflick

To stay current and competitive in QuickBooks, we constantly change or update other features and functionalities.

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Here’s how:


  1. Open QuickBooks.
  2. Go to the Help menu.
  3. Select Send Feedback Online.

You can use this reference in case you’d like to add information to your sales forms: Use and customize form templates. It includes steps to duplicate and import a form template.

Don’t hold back to drop a comment below if you have any other questions or concerns besides managing your sales transactions. I’ll always be here to help. Take care!

Level 2

Quickbooks timecenter notes field is no longer copied to the invoice description field.

I think it would be helpful not to send boilerplate bot responses to issues.  It only confuses the community.  I did post that I fixed it myself and it is working in a fully patched 2022 instance of QB Desktop.  I was also told by one of the 7 different technicians on the help desk that it was no longer supported which is CLEARLY not the case.  I nearly had a heart attack thinking that I would have to start copying 1000's of lines of entries manually and that I would have to switch to another accounting package only to find out that it was a simple click on 2 radio buttons in a unobvious menu location.


Misinformation only causes distrust in the product.  Please take more time to learn the product before commenting in the future.  I am not a regular QB user and have no experience in accounting but I was able to figure this out on my own which is why I posted the solution.  While it may be true that an update caused the change (as I don't see how it would have been possible for us to make the change by mistake due to the obscure path to get to the setting), it is totally false that copying the notes to the invoice is not supported.

QuickBooks Team

Quickbooks timecenter notes field is no longer copied to the invoice description field.

Appreciate the update, @dmflick.


My colleague @MadelynC also provided an information on how to submit feedback straight to our Development Team.


If you have any other questions about time centers or invoices, please let us know in the comment section below. Take care and stay safe.

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