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Level 1

Can I print customer statements individually?

3 Comments 3

Can I print customer statements individually?

Hello there, @sunshine0259.


Yes, you can print statements for each customer. I'll be glad to walk you through the steps.


  1. Go to the +New icon in the upper left corner.
  2. Select Statement under Other.
  3. Select the Statement TypeStatement DateStart Date, and End Date.
  4. Put a checkmark on the box beside the customer's name.
  5. Scroll down towards the bottom and click Print or Preview
  6. Click Open then Print if you're going to print it.

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For more information about the process above, check this article: Create and view customer statements.


You can also pull up the  Statement List report. This will give you the lists of all the statements you sent to customers during a selected period, including the date. Here's how:


1. Go to the Reports menu at the left panel, then enter Statement List on the search bar.

2. Once pulled up, click Customize at the upper right.

3. On the Filter drop-down, pick a Customer and the Statement Date.

4. Select Run report.


Once done, you can click the customer's name to check the transactions for that specific statement.


I've added these articles that will guide in customizing statement and report in QuickBooks:



I'm always here to help if you have any other concerns or questions. Just tag my name in the comment section and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Take good care.

Level 1

Can I print customer statements individually?

Thank you ~ that was very helpful!


Can I print customer statements individually?

I am happy to hear that you got everything you needed! Please know you are welcomed any time in the Community when you need assistance. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day, sunshine0259.

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