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Level 1

How do I change a transaction that has been put in Transferred to other assets category but needs to go into category General overhead bank fees?

2 Comments 2

How do I change a transaction that has been put in Transferred to other assets category but needs to go into category General overhead bank fees?

Hello and welcome to the Community forum, citygreensproduc.


Let's make sure you'll be able to change the transaction that has been recorded as Transferred to other assets category and categorizes this to the right account.


First thing to do is to undo the transaction. Here's how:


  1. Go to the Banking on the left panel.
  2. With the Banking page, select the Categorized section.
  3. Locate the transaction that you'll want undo. It'll bring back into the For Review section. 

Sample screenshot:


Once done, we can categorize this transaction to your desired account. The steps below will guide you through the process:


  1. Within the For Review tab, find the transaction you'll want to reclassify.
  2. Select the Categorize.
  3. Then, click the Add button.


Sample screenshot:



Here's an article that helps in handling your banking transaction in QBO: Categorize and match online bank transactions in QuickBooks Online


I'm always here if you ever need anything else with QuickBooks Online. Have a good one. Take care!

Level 11

How do I change a transaction that has been put in Transferred to other assets category but needs to go into category General overhead bank fees?



How do I change a transaction that has been put in Transferred to other assets category but needs to go into category General overhead bank fees?


If it's showing as "Transfer" under action column when the bank downloaded transaction for "General overhead bank fees" as an expense, you will need to switch radio button from "Record as transfer"* to "Categorize" (or Add) radio button and choose the right account you want.


If the transaction is already in the register and posted to the "Other Assets" category, you will need to  UNDO the transaction from the "Categorized" section of the Banking tab (as previously said). And then, Categorize/Add it from the For Review tab.


I hope this helps!


(* from the Record as transfer, you will need to see expense accounts, it's mostly for the selective Balance Sheet accounts).

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