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Level 2

How do just get a single line item including my markup in qbo with the percentage markup included instead of two separate line using billable expenses?

I am getting the line with the billable expense, then a second line with the exact same info showing the 50% markup, its redundant . Can I just get the markup to be included with the billable expense or will I just have to remoive the markup line manually and add the mark up to the original line item? Seems like a lot of work.
3 Comments 3

How do just get a single line item including my markup in qbo with the percentage markup included instead of two separate line using billable expenses?

Hello carla4,


The markup line item in the Invoice page is only visible for QuickBooks users (you). This works as designed for the billable expenses to ensure that you can trace where these amounts are coming from.


When you click the Print or Preview, these two line items (product and markup) will show as one with their sum-up amount.


Instead of removing the line item and entering the amount manually, you can remove the "markup" description so it will not display on your customer's invoice.


We'll be right here if you need anything else. Have a great day!



Level 2

How do just get a single line item including my markup in qbo with the percentage markup included instead of two separate line using billable expenses?

This is still not working for me. It shows the expense amount PLUS the words

"+ 50% markup"   on the line item.  I do not want to have to physically edit every single line item.  There has to be a better way?

I record contractor COGS-Labor as billable expense. That needs to be marked up 50% 

I also need to pass their expenses along without markup. 

Can quickbooks do this or do I just need to switch to a little more "intuitive" accounting  software? 



Level 3

How do just get a single line item including my markup in qbo with the percentage markup included instead of two separate line using billable expenses?

I agree this is not how it should work.  If I purchase an item in my Product and Services list with a PO and specify a client for that item, then pay the bill from that PO and remember to mark the item as billable (this should happen automatically if a client is specified, but that is another topic), then when I create the Invoice for the client that item comes over as two items - the original item and purchase price and a separate item with Markup shown. 

Yes when you print this this second line is gone for the customer's viewing but the real problem is when you run your P&L report.   Now the P&L shows two lines under income - line 1 is Reimbursed Expenses showing your markup (or whatever you name that category in setup) and line 2 is the item showing purchase price.  This is not reporting correctly your sales income and would be confusing to ever figure out your profit since it is all tied up in your Reimbursed Expenses.  Here is a P&L with 1 item on it from 1 invoice using this method.  It should show the Sales Income as 2x the COGS, assuming 100% margin on the item purchased and sold - not two lines.  The only fix I have found for this is to correct this on every item brought over as billable, which is a pain, or manually enter all items which doesn't create this duplicate item with markup hidden.

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