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Level 2

How to Categorize charge back invoice paid via wire?

Hey everyone I sent an invoice to a client and for some weird reason the payment went to dispute / chargeback after it was paid (something to do with clients bank account), so Quickbooks retracted the payment. 


The client then wired the money for the invoice directly to me (not via QB). 


So now I have an invoice that says "Disputed / Returned" and a wire received for the amount of the invoice. 


Looking on how to mark that invoice as paid / completed as well as how to categorize that wire received as the payment for that invoice? 


Thank you for any help!! 

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QuickBooks Team

How to Categorize charge back invoice paid via wire?

I’m delighted to have you here in the Community, @remogul320.


Let’s handle chargebacks together to mark your invoice paid in QuickBooks Online (QBO).


We can create a Bank Deposit and match this to the invoice. That way, we can mark this paid and close the transaction. Also, you can manually mark this paid by utilizing the Receive Payment option.


Here’s how you can create a Bank Deposit:


  1. Click the + New button and select the Bank deposit under Other.
  2. Choose the account where the money goes in from the Account dropdown.
  3. Marked check the deposit showing under the Select the payments included in this deposit.
  4. Fill out the other fields for further identification of the transactions. Then, enter the Amount and click Save and close.


Afterwards, clean your banking tab by excluding the transaction:


  1. Go to the Banking menu in the left panel and choose Banking.
  2. In the For Review tab, select the transaction that does not match the one created within QBO.
  3. Tap on the Exclude button.
  4. Go to the Excluded tab, and select the transactions again.
  5. Press the Delete button.


In addition, here’s an article you can refer to about categorizing and matching the following transactions. It will let you add them to the correct accounts in your Chart of Accounts (COA). Once done, visit this other article to reconcile your account. Doing so will ensure that your accounts are balanced.


Feel free to lay down your concerns by tapping the Reply button. You can always count on me to help you about entering chargeback transactions in QBO. Have a good one!

Level 2

How to Categorize charge back invoice paid via wire?

Ok thank you very much, I added a Bank Deposit, and Deleted / Excluded the Incoming Wire. 


The invoice is still showing "Returned" with no option to mark as paid, do I just delete / void the invoice? 



How to Categorize charge back invoice paid via wire?

It's nice to have you back, @remogul320,

Let me guide you on how to mark your invoice as paid. We first need to create a Bank deposit and make sure to choose Account Receivable under the Account column to be able to link it to your invoice. You can also add the $10 bank fee (referred to in your attached file) to any Expense Account to track it to your deposits. 

Here's how: 

1. Go to the +New, and select Bank deposit.
2. Select the specific customer. Under the Account category, choose Account Receivable (A/R). (Note: Make sure that the amount of invoices matches the amount deposited to A/R).
3. You can also add the $10 bank fee under an Expense Account (Note: This will not affect the invoice amount).

4. Save and close.

After creating a deposit, let's now mark the invoice paid by following these steps:

1. Go to the Sales tab, and select Invoices.
2. Locate the specific invoice, and click the Receive payment.

3. Under the Outstanding Transaction, select the specific invoice.
4. Also select the Deposit under the Credits.

5. Save and close.

For detailed information, you can visit: Link a bank deposit to an invoice in QuickBooks Online.

In addition, I'll also add an article you can refer to if you wish to learn when it's necessary to void/delete transactions in QBO: Void or delete transactions in QuickBooks Online

Feel free to reach us back or leave a reply if you need further assistance with your transactions. I'll be glad to help you out. Enjoy your day.

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