Please Learn from this input. The solution you offer is only for Sales and transactions where Customer is the Source Name.
What is being asked is Job, or Target data.
You need more than one report. Start from the Income Tracker, to see Billable Time and Costs. Then, Reports menu > Submenu for Jobs, Time & Mileage:
Unbilled Costs by Job, filter on Billable Status = Any. This is Expense and Items tab entries from Purchases, job tracked.
Job Profitability and Item Profit reporting; my favorite is Job Profitability Detail for any one job.
The Timesheet based reports are here: Time by XX by XX by XX, is available, to the level of, example..Time by Job by Name by Item. Time by Item by Name by Job. Time by Job, only.
Mileage reports are here.
Then go to Reports menu > Sales and run Sales reports, if you also Charged customers, such as Sales by Item shows cost and profit margin.