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Level 2

I need help, please! We do progress billing for our jobs. Our clients pay as certain parts of a job are complete. I created the progress estimate, but not it's correct!

I took some screenshots of a few things that aren't coming out right, but not sure how to fix or what I'm doing wrong. Can someone please take a look and see what I'm doing wrong?! I've tried the online chat 3 different times today, but it keeps disconnecting.
4 Comments 4
QuickBooks Team

I need help, please! We do progress billing for our jobs. Our clients pay as certain parts of a job are complete. I created the progress estimate, but not it's correct!

Hi there, @blucrew.

We'd be happy to help here in the Community. Can you share more details about your concern regarding progress billing? Do you mind sharing a screenshot so we can take a look at it? 


Looking forward to your response. 

Level 2

I need help, please! We do progress billing for our jobs. Our clients pay as certain parts of a job are complete. I created the progress estimate, but not it's correct!


Thanks for getting back to me. Would love to get this figured out soon!

[attachment removed by Moderator because of the sensitive info]

Level 2

I need help, please! We do progress billing for our jobs. Our clients pay as certain parts of a job are complete. I created the progress estimate, but not it's correct!

Here is another screenshot for you to see. Thanks again!

QuickBooks Team

I need help, please! We do progress billing for our jobs. Our clients pay as certain parts of a job are complete. I created the progress estimate, but not it's correct!

Thank you for your prompt reply, @blucrew.


I appreciate the screenshot you’ve added to get this sorted out. Also, I want to ensure that we’re on the same page in resolving your issue with progress invoicing. Looking at the snapshot added, are you referring to the total amount under the Balance and Total column that seems to be incorrect for you?


Due to confidential information seen from the images, the snapshots you’ve added have been removed by one of our Community moderators. Hence, I suggest masking them when adding them back to the Community. This way, we can ensure that all your confidential information is safeguarded.


I’ll wait for your response to make certain that this gets helped. Have a good one!

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