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Level 1

In QB Desktop I could add expenses to an invoice and collapse them to a single line. How do I do that in QBO?

3 Comments 3
QuickBooks Team

In QB Desktop I could add expenses to an invoice and collapse them to a single line. How do I do that in QBO?

I'm here to provide insights about adding expenses to an invoice and combining them into one line in QuickBooks, @mvanhaltern-ets-.


If you use a bundle item for your expense, you can collapse them into a single line when creating an invoice. Be sure to click the checkbox next to the Display bundle component when printing or sending transactions.


If it is an item or category, there isn't an option to combine them into one line.


You can check out this resource to record and track billable expenses: Enter billable expenses. It shows how you can link expenses to your customer's invoice.


Additionally, I'll be sharing these resources to manage expenses in QuickBooks: 



Fill me in if you have further concerns with managing your expenses and invoices in QuickBooks. I'm around to lend a helping hand. Keep safe!

Level 1

In QB Desktop I could add expenses to an invoice and collapse them to a single line. How do I do that in QBO?

Thanks for the response.  Unfortunately, you confirmed what I suspected that QBO does not have the ability to collapse expenses into a single line.  Our business bills our customers for parts, supplies, and travel expenses.  To add these line-by-line would result in several page invoices.  The work around I am using is to mark the expenses as un-billable. Then run a report for the costs for the project and manually add a line in the invoice that covers the total cost of each category of expenses with markup.  I would urge QBO to add this capability.


QuickBooks Team

In QB Desktop I could add expenses to an invoice and collapse them to a single line. How do I do that in QBO?

Thanks for your prompt reply, mvanhaltern.


Beforehand, I admire you for sharing the workaround you've used so you'll be able to achieve your goal in QuickBooks Online. I understand that this option is advantageous as you've worked with your transactions. However, this is currently unavailable.


That said, I recommend sending this feedback to our Product Developers regarding this idea. They might consider adding it for future improvements. Here's how:


  1. Click the Gear icon and choose Feedback.
  2. Enter your feedback Suggestion.
  3. Press Next.


If you need help with other processes in QuickBooks Online, feel free to visit our articles on this page: General articles list page. They contain guides that can assist you in recording transactions, building reports, and more.


I'm a post-away if there's anything I can do to help you accomplish your QBO-related tasks. Take care always.

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