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Community Champion

Job Costs By... cash basis reports are broken - except in very small files

The issue:

If the product of the customer list count and the vendor list count is more than 10,000, then All of the "Job costs by..." reports break and do not include bills from outside of the report period - even if they are paid during the report period.  When the product of the list counts is less than 10,000, then the reports work.


- The problem is very easy to duplicate in any file.

- It happens to all of the Job Costs by... reports found in the Contractor and Professional services QKU's when running them on a cash basis - when using QuickBooks 2022, and perhaps older versions.


All you have to do to duplicate the problem is:

- Start in a file where the product of the customer and vendor list counts is below 10,000.

- Enter enter data and run the report on a date range so that you can tell the report is working: Expenses from Bills entered before the report period and paid during the report period are included.

- Add more Vendors or Jobs so that the product of the lists is larger than 10,000. There is no need to use these names on any data. They just have to exist.

- Run the report again (or refresh it if it is still open).

- The report will be broken and will not include Bills entered before the report period and paid during the report period.

- If you then delete one ore more customers or vendors so the product is just below 10,000, then the report will work again.


This means the reports are completely useless for most customers, because almost everyone has more than, for example, 50 vendors and 200 customers.


Here are the results I found in a test company, set up from scratch (and not corrupted), when adding and deleting vendors and customers and checking the reports as I went:




Intuit, please get this fixed and let us know when that's done. These reports are very important to users of the Contractor and Professional Services Premier and Enterprise products, and on a cash basis they will heavily under-report expenses. That's a huge problem.

3 Comments 3

Job Costs By... cash basis reports are broken - except in very small files

Thanks for providing this information, BigRedConsulting.

This information will help us improve our product in the future. I'll forward this to our Product Development Team. They'll go over the report and correct any issue they find. We're unable to provide an exact time frame. Rest assured that they will look into it.

We greatly appreciate you going above and beyond to identify the cause of the reports and why it's broken. A lot of users can benefit from this once it's fixed.

Thank you, and we look forward to your continued support in the Community. Have a great day.

Community Champion

Job Costs By... cash basis reports are broken - except in very small files

@Giovann_G  RE: ...who will review and fix any issues with the report when the list count exceeds 10,000. 


Thanks, but note that it's not the list count exceeding 10,000. It's much worse than that. It's when the product of the customer and the vendor lists exceed 10,000.


So, for example, if you have 200 customers and 50 vendors (where the product of 200 * 50 = 10,000) the reports work. But if you add one more customer or vendor, then they break.


When they break, they under-report costs significantly because costs recorded before the report period but paid during the report period (which is the most normal thing to do) are not included on the reports.


Job Costs By... cash basis reports are broken - except in very small files

Thanks for the clarification and for sharing more details about the issue, @BigRedConsulting


My colleague Giovann_G has already updated the sentence in his response. I suggest you refresh your page to see the updated answer.


Let me know if you have other concerns about the program so I can forward them to our product engineers too. Be safe always. 

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