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Level 3

QBO to Google sheets sync

Im getting conflicting internet repsponses that state you can and cant connect google sheets to QBO through the new spreadsheet syncing function... I would like to update a dashboard in google sheets with a QBO report..


7 Comments 7
QuickBooks Team

QBO to Google sheets sync

It seems that you're facing an issue with connecting your google sheets to QuickBooks Online (QBO)  through the new spreadsheet syncing function, @Grimayoj. Know that I'm here to educate you more about this feature.

Currently, the feature Spreadsheet Sync is exclusively available in QuickBooks Online Advanced or QuickBooks Online Accountant. If you're using QBO Simple Start, Essential, or Plus. You'll want to consider upgrading your subscription to achieve your goal.

Please note Spreadsheet Sync is compatible with the Office 365 version of Excel and Google Sheets.


For frequently asked questions about Spreadsheet Sync, feel free to check this article: Frequently Asked Questions about Spreadsheet Sync in QuickBooks Online Advanced or Accountant.


Moreover, you'll want to secure a copy of all your financial data out of QuickBooks before canceling them: Export reports, lists, and other data from QuickBooks Online.


I'm just one post away if you need assistance with any QuickBooks-related concerns. You can click the reply button below to enter your queries. You have a good one.

Level 3

QBO to Google sheets sync

I pay for advanced but I cannot see how it works with Google sheets.. Please explain,


Candice C
QuickBooks Team

QBO to Google sheets sync

Good morning, @Grimayoj


I appreciate you asking additional questions about using the Spreadsheet sync feature within your QuickBooks Online. 


Have you used the steps listed in this guide? Get started with Spreadsheet Sync for QuickBooks Online Advanced or Accountant


The guide provides details on how to get started with the feature, create spreadsheet report, add or edit data to your QBO Advanced company, and more. 


I'll be waiting for your response! 

Level 3

QBO to Google sheets sync

These instructions are for Excel. They dont show how to use Sync with Google sheets..


QuickBooks Team

QBO to Google sheets sync

I'm happy to add more information about syncing reports to Google Sheets from QuickBooks Online (QBO), Grimayoj. Also, I'll provide some alternatives so you can seamlessly manage your data on the said application.


Please know that the syncing feature of reports from QuickBooks works only on Excel. Furthermore, we can only export a report to Google Sheets, but it's exclusive to the classic view of reports. This function is unavailable in the modern experience.


Some reports still have the option to switch from both views. Meanwhile, some don't have this selection anymore.


That said, if the report you're trying to pull up still has the option to Switch to classic view, please select that button. Then, hit the Export dropdown and click Export to Google Sheets.

Export to google sheets.png

Nevertheless, if the option to switch is unavailable, I recommend looking for a third-party application that supports syncing and managing data to Google Sheets. Then, integrate it into QuickBooks to continue with your needed task.


Here's how you can connect the app to QBO's system:


  1. Log in to your QBO account and go to the Apps menu.
  2. Enter the application's name on the Search bar or choose the category on the Browse category dropdown.
  3. Follow the onscreen process of linking the app to QuickBooks.


For future reference, I'm adding these articles to guide you once you need to transport data from QuickBooks:



You can always add a reply on this thread if you have more concerns about syncing reports or managing data in QuickBooks. I'll be here to help you at any time.

Level 3

QBO to Google sheets sync

I appreciate everyones responses however I'm just looking for someone to tell me does the SYNC option work for google sheets? I know it works for excel and I know how to download reports.. Im building a dashboard and want to use the sync option for two reports but Im doing it in google sheets.. The sync instructions dont show how to use it with google sheets..


QuickBooks Team

QBO to Google sheets sync

Hi there, Grimayoj. Let me chime in and provide clarification about managing reports with Google Sheets sync.


The feature of syncing your reports to Google Sheets is currently unavailable in QuickBooks Online (QBO). The system exclusively supports syncing data to Excel. I suggest sending a feature request directly to our Product Developers. They may consider adding it in future product updates. Here's how:


  1. Open your QBO account.
  2. Go to the Gear icon and select Feedback.
  3. Enter your suggestions and then click on Next.


You can also consider looking for a third-party app to integrate with QBO and use it instead in syncing reports to Google Sheets. To find an app, visit this link: QuickBooks App Store.


Here are some resources you can refer to when handling reports moving forward:



I'm always around and ready to help if you need further assistance or have questions about managing data or reports in QBO. Leave a comment below to notify me.

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