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Level 3

Report to highlight sales variation on a monthly level for each product line

We would like to have a report that allows us to see the sales per product line and its variation over the months of the current year.


It seems to us like there's no option to compare sales by product with the previous year (as you can with sles by customer) and if we go into the "sales by product" report we can't find a way to split by month.

Sales by product details allows us to group by month, but then we lose the grouping by product.


Any solution?


Thank you

3 Comments 3
QuickBooks Team

Report to highlight sales variation on a monthly level for each product line

Thank you for taking the time to post your inquiry in the Community, Mat.


Yes, there is a way to generate a sales report that presents the sales per product line along with its monthly variations and allows for a comparison with the previous year's figures in QuickBooks Online (QBO) Advanced. Here are my suggested steps to achieve this through customized sales report:


  1. Go to Reports.
  2. Click on +Create new report.
  3. Select Sales and hit Create.
  4. Choose Custom dates in the date dropdown to include the previous year's sales.
  5. Hide Product/Service in the Reorder section from the Column tab. 
  6. In the Group section, add the group Date by year, and the subgroups Product/Service and Date by month.
  7. Click Save.


Please refer to the image below for Steps 5 and 6. 


image (21).png

If you're subscribed to Plus, Essentials, or Simple Start, I recommend exporting and combining both sales reports outside of QBO as a workaround. You may refer to these articles:



We're always here in the Community should you have updates or further questions about running a customized sales report in QBO. Take care. 

Level 3

Report to highlight sales variation on a monthly level for each product line

thanks for your answer, but I believe that function to be exclusive to advanced+ plans. We have a plus subscription.


Is there any workaround avalable to us?


QuickBooks Team

Report to highlight sales variation on a monthly level for each product line

I appreciate you for getting back into this thread, @Matteo_S. I'm here to provide additional information regarding your concern about customizing sales reports in QuickBooks Online (QBO).


You're correct that the suggested solution above about grouping by month and by product/service is exclusive to the QBO Advanced subscription. For now, we can only choose one to Group by and include the other necessary columns you'd like to view. Here's how:


  1. Go to the Reports menu. Then, enter and click on Sales by Product/Service Detail report in the search field.
  2. Select the date range from the Report period.
  3. Choose Month from Group by field.
  4. Tap on the Customize button.
  5. Select the Change columns link, then place a checkmark next to the Qty and Product/service columns.
  6. Hit Run report.


Alternatively, we can export the report to Excel. This way, you can manually group the report by month and by sales item since that's currently unavailable within your QBO version. Follow these steps to export them:


  1. From the left navigation pane, select the Reports menu.
  2. Look for the report you want to pull up or the Sales by Product/Service Detail report.
  3. Click the Export icon located at the top of the report. Then, select Export to Excel.
  4. Save the file to your device, where you can easily locate it.


Additionally, you can modify your reports in QuickBooks to show the correct data for each company. Here are articles you can use to make changes to the filters and other information: 



Please let me know if there is any other way I can help you use QuickBooks the way your firm needs it. I'm always around to provide answers and clarifications to your questions. Goodbye for now and have a good one!

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