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Level 1

reports by class



We have three entities operating under one LLC.  We use the "class" feature to separate these three entities on our P&L, etc.


We are now selling off one of the entities and the buyer needs a QuickBooks company file, or at least some very lengthy reports that will show a complete history (invoices, payments, etc) for all customers for just the one class we are selling, for the past couple of years.


I don't know how we can extract/export customer transaction data for just that one entity's customers, as there is no "class" field in the customer setup window.  Even if there was, I'm not sure if we could generate a separate company file that way..


My second thought was to run a detailed customer transaction or balance detail for the last two years and email it to them for reference when needed, and use the "class" filter to just show those customers whose invoices, credit memos, etc were in that class.  The problem is that although the payments the customers have made appear in the report if I do not filter by class, as soon as I do use the class filter, all of the payments disappear, even though all of the payments were applied to invoices that had classes assigned!


Help!  How do I get the buyer the info he needs on the customers he will be inheriting without sharing information about our other two entities in the same LLC's company file?  Thank you!

14 Comments 14
QuickBooks Team

reports by class

Hi there, @JenFleet


Thank you for reaching out to the Community. Let me share you some insight about class tracking in QuickBooks Desktop. In QuickBooks, you can create classes that you assign to transactions. This lets you track account balances by department, business office or location, separate properties you own, or any other meaningful breakdown of your business. 


If you wish to run report that show the invoice, payments and for the specific company, you can pull up the Customer Balance Detail Report. I'll show you how:  



  1. Click Reports at the top menu bar. 
  2. On the drop-down list, click Customers & Receivables and choose Customer Balance Detail
  3. Hit Customize Report.
  4. From Filters, search Class.  
  5. Drop-down arrow from Class and choose the specific company you want to show in the report. 
  6. Press OK.




Once done, the changes will take effect. And you can email it to your buyer either through Excel or PDF.  




However, if the payment still disappear once you filter the class, we can perform basic troubleshooting steps to fix the issue.  


There are some reasons why this occurs, which may cause damage data, and we can fix this by performing the Verify data and Rebuild utility tools in QuickBooks Desktop. This way, it'll return to its default order and automatically fixes minor company record data issues. Though, you need to back up your data first before performing these steps below to save your company data if file corruption happens.   


Let me show you how:    


Verify Data: 


  1. Press the File menu. 
  2. Choose Utilities from the drop-down option.  
  3. Select Verify Data
  4. Tap Ok to continue.   

 verify data..PNG


Rebuild Data:


  1. Click the File tab at the top. 
  2. Select Utilities from the drop-down option. 
  3. Choose Rebuild Data
  4. Click Ok on Rebuild has completed.    



When the verify/rebuilding data finished, we can close and reopen your file to revamp it. Or restart your computer to refresh your QuickBooks data.   


Here's a couple resources related to Reports that you may find useful: 



That's it. Please let me know how it goes by clicking the Reply button. I'll be here to extend my hands with you. Take care!

Level 1

reports by class

Thank you so much for your reply!  I actually found a work-around.  Instead of filtering by class, which makes the customer's payments disappear from the report, I filtered by customer type.  This then shows all invoices, credits, and payments.  I can then export this to an Excel file to give to the buyer.  Thank you again!

Level 2

reports by class

I am having the same problem when filtering by Class on the Customer Balance Detail report.  The payments disappear even though it is tied to the invoice with the Class.  I went through the tips, Verify Data, Rebuild Data, computer restart but it did not help.  Unfortunately, when utilizing Customer type, I do not get all the customers because I have customers belonging to more than one Class, therefore more than one Customer Type.  That will require adding multiple customer data records for a customer.


reports by class

Hi there, Ben621.


I'm here to share some insights about how QuickBooks populates the data on your reports.


The Filters option allows us to limit report data to selected criteria. This is particularly important if we need to personalize the report for your needs. QuickBooks looks at individual transaction lines when building a report. If a line matches the report set, then the line is added to the report.


Once we use the Class filter, the program will show the transactions (invoices) with assigned classes. Please know that we're unable to show the payments tied to those invoices since the payments don't have classes. We'll have to open each invoice by double-clicking it to view the payments (under the Recent Transaction section).



We can also export the report to an Excel file and manually sort it from there. I'll show you how:


  1. Select Reports from the top menu bar.
  2. Choose Customers & Receivables, then select Customer Balance Detail.
  3. Set the appropriate reporting period.
  4. Click the Excel button, then choose Create New Worksheet.
  5. Select Export, then manually customize it outside the program.

To learn more about how reports work in QuickBooks Desktop, you can read this guide.


In case you'll need to personalize and design your reports, you can utilize the Customize feature. Then, memorize them to save its current customization settings.


Do you have any other questions in mind? Feel free to leave them below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Stay safe and have a great rest of the weekend.

Level 2

reports by class

Thanks for the reply KentB. We need to track account balances by tour groups.  We thought we could do that by using classes. The QuickBooks blog states we can. This is from your blog:  “In QuickBooks, you can create classes that you assign to transactions. This lets you track account balances by department, business office or location, separate properties you own, or any other meaningful breakdown of your business.”

How can I track account balances by department, ie. class, if it drops the payment and doesn’t include it in the balance?

Here’s that blog link

QuickBooks Team

reports by class

Hi Ben621. 


I'm happy to help, what you're going to want to do is set up class tracking, set up categories for expenses and accounts and filter/sort total reports by class. This will make it easier to generate reports to compare multiple departments you previously mentioned. 


Here's how:


Turn on Class Tracking:

  1. Open your company file.
  2. Go to the Edit menu, then select Preferences.
  3. Select Accounting, then go to the Company Preferences tab.
  4. Select the Use class tracking for transactions checkbox.
  5. If you want a reminder when you haven't assigned a class, select the Prompt to assign classes checkbox.
  6. Select OK.

Set up categories for expenses and accounts:

  1. Go to the Lists menu, then select Class List.
  2. From the Class ▼ drop-down menu, select New.
  3. Enter the class name.
  4. If it's a subclass, select the Subclass of checkbox and find the class it's under in.
  5. Select OK to add it.

To filter, sort and total reports by class for departments, refer to that article. Also, if you happen to be using a mac or want more information on the steps above, check out this helpful article


If there's anything else I can help with, feel free to post down below. 


Thanks for your time and have a nice weekend. 



Level 2

reports by class

Thank you for the replyNick_M, but it doesn't work.  I have classes set up, performed the steps you outlined to set up my tour groups a while ago.  When I filter by class (my tour group), the payment transaction drops off the report so the passenger shows he owes more than he does because the payment doesn't have a class associated with it, even though the payment was applied to an invoice with a class associated with it.  It seems we are 2-for-1 now.  Two of Intuit's support believe the documentation, that we can filter transactions by class, and one says we can't.

Ashley H
QuickBooks Team

reports by class

Thanks for the reply, @Ben621.


I'm here to provide more insight into Reports by Class in QuickBooks Desktop.


If you have partial payments for invoices showing under a specific class, then it won't reflect properly on these types of reports. This is because the payments are unclassified, while the invoice that's being paid may be classified. Only unclassified balances will be correct on this report after receiving partial payments. Invoices with classes on this report must be paid in full to show correctly in that specific class. You can refer to this Community article for more information about the workflow for classes that show on reports: Unclassifed transactions on reports.


If you have further questions or concerns about Classes or Reports in QuickBooks Desktop, please don't hesitate and reach back out! I'm always happy to help. Have a good one.

Level 2

reports by class

Thank you for the reply Ashley H.  Unfortunately, we are going in circles here.  The article you referred me to states: "QuickBooks uses the class you add on an invoice to classify the customer payment and the deposit.  So, if you enter a payment without an invoice (or a prepayment), QuickBooks can’t classify the payment and deposit amounts. It shows as unclassified on Balance Sheet by Class report."

The payment is not a pre-payment, QuickBooks did not classify the customer payment even though the payment I entered is applied to an invoice with a class.


Here's another article that states QuickBooks rectifies issues with unclassified prepayments stating "Don’t worry, this problem is self-correcting. Later, once you apply the pre-payment to an invoice, QuickBooks classifies the payment amount correctly." 


The article mentioned above is titled  "What transactions are not supported by Balance Sheet by Class?", specifically the pre-payment, with the solution stating: "QuickBooks uses the invoice to find the correct class for customer payment. This is why you can’t add a class in the Receive Payments window. So when you record a pre-payment, it shows as unclassified on both accrual and cash basis Balance Sheet by Class.  - What you should do  -  Don’t worry, this problem is self-correcting. Later, once you apply the pre-payment to an invoice, QuickBooks classifies the payment amount correctly."


This article is addressing the issue to correct the payments that are not showing up on the Balance Sheet by Class.


QuickBooks claims it is classifying the payment amount correctly, ie. giving the payment the same class as the invoice then there shouldn't be an issue for the engineers to add the class field to the payment, making it equal to the invoice it is applied to.  This way, the reports will show the balances correctly when they filter transactions by class.  Currently, the reports are not intelligent enough to seek out the payments that are tied to the invoices.

Level 1

reports by class

To piggy back onto what Ben621 has already expressed, the issue here is that QB says it will auto correct the payment, but it is not.  Even if a payment is being applied in full to an invoice that has a specific class assigned to it, the system is not applying that same class to the payment.  I can easily find these errors and pull up the transaction journals to see that the class field is blank for both the checking account and the A/R account.  If it was possible to edit the transaction journal entry, I could manually fix this until the Engineers at QB install a class entry field on the payments function.  Since it is a system generated journal entry, QB will not allow me to edit the class, at least as far as I know.  Any workaround you can provide for manually fixing unclassified balances would be useful.


reports by class

Hello there, abonner23.


I got your point and see how beneficial to fix the unclassified balances in QuickBooks Desktop. You may want to export the report. From there, you can try to fix the unclassified balances.


You'll want to send your valuable feedback to our Product Development team. This way, you'll be able to share with us your insights about the feature you want to include in the program. Here's how:


  1. Go to Help and select Send Feedback Online.
  2. Product Suggestion.
  3. Enter your insights. Then, hit the Send Feedback button.


Also, you can visit our blog site. This is where we share recent happenings and future developments, such as updates to newly added features.


Comment below if you have other concerns with QuickBooks. Take care always.

Level 3

reports by class

So, did anyone ever add a class field into the payment record(s)??  I too am trying to run reports by class and there is no good way to include the payments.  Please don't try directing me to the above mentioned links that claim that Quickbooks will apply the class from the invoice.  It doesn't.  Plain and simple.    Will there every come a time when we can actually create intelligent reports directly from tables within Quickbooks?  It's so frustrating to know that there is good data that has been entered, but the very limited customization options don't allow us to join additional tables/records that would provide the data needed.  I really don't want to have to download transactions with a third party app, just to build my own SQL database that I can use to create the reports I need, but it's starting to look that way.

RPAC Art Center
Level 1

reports by class

I use Quickbooks Desktop Mac 2021 version and there is no way to find reports by Class. Please advise if there is a way?

thank you 


reports by class

Hello RPAC Art Center,


Thank you for reaching out to the QuickBooks Community! You can find reports by class using QuickBooks Desktop Mac 2021! You would simply need to know how to filter, sort, and total them. Some of these reports include Unpaid Bills Detail report sorted by class, AR Aging Detail report filtered by class, open Accounts Receivable by class, and the list goes on. If any of these fit your situation, please use this article to assist with categorizing your data,



If you have any questions, please let me know! I am only a click away! Take care for now. 

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