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Level 1

Uploading copy of company file

I had an error when doing a backup and needed to do a rebuild and had error 350 with (2) errors that could not be fixed.  Was told to contact support.  I contacted support and the person attemped to help me and I ended up with (4) error's so I ended the call.  I then called out to a CPA friend who is swamped with taxes right now and took a look at what was going on and we tried a couple things that should have cleared up the issue.  I ended up with (3) error.  I then contacted the QB Support once again and that person insisted that I update my software to 2022 before moving on.  So we did.  She thought that would clear the problem, It did not!.  Bottom line I ended up speaking to a Supervisor and he helped me get it back to (2) errors and couldn't fix the last two errors. 


Now here is the question!  They want me to upload my companies files and send it to them to have someone, (I'm thinking out of the United States) in Data Services take a look at it and try and fix the problem.  Has anyone every heard of doing this or has anyone ever done this.  My company is a little worried about doing this.


Can I please get some feed back about this.





3 Comments 3
QuickBooks Team

Uploading copy of company file

Your security and privacy is our top priority, JNR.


After your call with our Phone Support Team, they'll be sending you an email where you can send your QuickBooks files. You can try checking your email either in the Spam or Junk folders and the sender will be


However, if you can't somehow find it, I suggest reaching out to us again so we can resend an email. For more details about our Data Services FAQs, you can click here.


Thank you for your time and if you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to post here. Take care!

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

Uploading copy of company file


Are you using QB Desktop Pro/Premier Plus? How big is your file size?

Level 1

Uploading copy of company file

Thank you for all your help.  I was able to go back into the General Journal and find the other to errors and deleted them. Redid the backup and everything went well, no errors occured.  Thanks again for the help. 

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