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Level 2

Why do I not have an option to make a duplicate of an estimate in the new Quickbooks Online. Anyone else with same problem?

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QuickBooks Team

Why do I not have an option to make a duplicate of an estimate in the new Quickbooks Online. Anyone else with same problem?

Hello there, Lillan. It's good to see you here. I see how important it is to duplicate an estimate. No worries, let me share some insights regarding this concern.


New invoice experience doesn't have an option to duplicate an estimate. You can only do a duplicate from the old layout. However, you can manually create a new estimate and enter the same information. Let me show you how: 


  1. Click + New, then go to Estimate.
  2. Select + Add customer. Then choose a customer from the dropdown. Or, to add a new customer, click +Add new, enter the customer info, and select Save and close.
  3. Hit the dropdown in the Product or service field and add the products or services to the estimate. Or, to add a new product or service, select + Add new, enter the info for your product or service, and select Save
  4. Once you save a rate for your product or service, it automatically displays in the Amount column. Add or adjust the quantity or amount as needed. 
  5. Note that the default status of a new estimate is “Pending”. Once you need to edit the status, select the Pending dropdown, then decide a different status. 
  6. When done, select Save.
  7. If you'll send the estimate to your customer, click Review and send. You can edit the email message if needed, then select Send estimate.


To guide you more in creating an estimate, feel free to open this article: Create and send estimates in QuickBooks Online.


 Furthermore, visit this link once you'll create an invoice. This will guide you on how to customize your sales forms: Customize invoices, estimates, and sales receipts in QuickBooks Online.


The Community is here for you 24/7 on the clock. If you have additional concerns regarding with duplicating an estimate, notify us below. Keep safe.

Level 1

Why do I not have an option to make a duplicate of an estimate in the new Quickbooks Online. Anyone else with same problem?

This does not solve the problem. We need to be able to duplicate estimates, and not have to recreate the same thing from scratch every time. There is still an option to duplicate invoice, but not for estimates, why would they take this away?!?


Level 1

Why do I not have an option to make a duplicate of an estimate in the new Quickbooks Online. Anyone else with same problem?

I had the same issue, but I found that they just moved it. If you open the invoice you want to duplicate, then EDIT, then MANAGE, you will see an actions button on the right, click that and you'll see the duplicate action.

Level 2

Why do I not have an option to make a duplicate of an estimate in the new Quickbooks Online. Anyone else with same problem?

I don't have problems duplicating an invoice. The problem is duplicating an estimate


Why do I not have an option to make a duplicate of an estimate in the new Quickbooks Online. Anyone else with same problem?

Hello LillanLillan,


We want you to come across a different issue than this. I'm here to enlighten you about duplicating an estimate.


With the new layout, we're unable to create a copy of the mentioned transaction. I have a workaround for you, though.


If you still have the option to revert to the old layout, you can use it so you can make a copy of the estimate. You can do so by opening the estimate. Next, click Manage. Then, Old layout. I've added this screenshot as your visual guide:



If you're unable to use the previous layout, you can use your old estimate template. Here's how:


  1. On the Estimate page, click Manage.
  2. Go to the Design section.
  3. Under Other templates, select your old template.


Furthermore, I've added this reference as your guide in creating an invoice from an estimate: Convert an estimate directly to an invoice.


You can always post in the forum whenever you have concerns about creating an estimate.

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