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Level 1

Sales Tax Payable

When I need to enter sales tax payable (monthly) I am only able to view 3 names at a time.


We have over 100 names in several states - and I find it almost impossible to believe that I can't make the window bigger or at the very least - sort by name.  It does sort by state.


It is very time consuming to have to scroll up and down to find a name - then to have to do that again - if the amounts do not match up at then end.


Please do not tell me to put in a product suggestion.  I have submitted a product suggestion for this at least 5 times over the past SEVERAL years.


All this being said - maybe there is a valid reason to only show 3 names at a time...and I would be happy to learn that reason - but - to date - I have not received a response.


Thanks in advance to anyone who can provide some insight into my issue.



2 Comments 2
Community Champion

Sales Tax Payable

RE: When I need to enter sales tax payable (monthly) I am only able to view 3 names at a time.


Enter sales tax? Do you mean pay your sales tax?  If so I do see that window size can't be changed, and the table shows 4 rows but only three are populated for me.


RE: We have over 100 names in several states...


Do you mean over 100 sales tax items? (Normally all the sales tax items for a state are paid to the same vendor name.)


If you pay all the taxes monthly, what is the reason you have to scroll up and down and cherry-pick by vendor name?


If you select everything in the list, QuickBooks will automatically create one check per vendor for the total amount due as of the sales tax due date entered.


If I was faced with this, I'd just pay everything all at once and then review the checks created in the bank account and edit/adjust them if necessary. For example, change the check date. I do see that the check amount can't be changed once created (another mystery as it seems simple to handle), and that may be what's stopping from my suggestion.


However, if only some of your payments have to be adjusted, then in this case you could note the amount the check is off from your tax filing, then delete the check, and then when going back to create a new payment, add an adjustment first for the difference.


Alternately, some states allow for rounding adjustments on their forms - and so instead of adjusting the QuickBooks amount to pay, you could pay the amount you actually collected and enter the difference on the form as a rounding adjustment.


Level 1

Sales Tax Payable

Do you mean pay your sales tax? - I mean record the sales tax that we pay to the different states.  I pay it on the various state gov. sites.  Then I record those payments into QB.


Do you mean over 100 sales tax items?  I mean over 100 different counties/state/city etc... They need to be specific because the states require us to indicate how much was collected - and then paid to each county/state/city etc...


Normally all the sales tax items for a state are paid to the same vendor name. - Correct.  However, each state requires that we specify which county/city etc... a portion of the taxes should be allocated towards.  The only way to do this correctly - is to enter the invoices with the correct county/city or whatever it winds up being.  For example - Buncombe County, NC.  We pay a portion to Buncombe County and a portion to NC state.  All to NC State DOR - but we have to specify how much of each payment goes to each county/city etc.  There are a lot - specifically in TX and CA.


If you pay all the taxes monthly, what is the reason you have to scroll up and down and cherry-pick by vendor name? - Because - other than being organized by state - there is no sorting (as far as I can tell).  For instance - Mecklenburg County is listed above Catawba County - and Catawba County is listed above Haywood County.  Why can't they - at the very minimum - be listed in alphabetical order? 


If you select everything in the list, QuickBooks will automatically create one check per vendor for the total amount due as of the sales tax due date entered. - Sometimes there are issues - that need to be sorted out - and so the amount that QB shows as being due is either incorrect - or needs to be sorted from a previous mistake.  Also - it lists all counties/states - when we pay NC - we only want to show paying NC.  Not CA, or TX, or FL etc...  I understand what you are saying for this - but it's not an absolute solution based on my reasons above.

RE: suggestions for paying all at once - that won't work for the reasons listed above. 

RE: Rounding issues - yes - this does happen and I am familiar with (and use) the "adjust amount due" feature. 


Thank you for taking the time to help me with this - but I feel like making the payable window adjustable would solve my issue.  What sometimes takes me over an hour to record - should take 10 minutes max.


I'm sure there is a logical reason for keeping the window small - but I do not understand.


Thanks again for your input -



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