Thanks for laying out the details of your concern, @Carolexx.
I'd gladly share some insights regarding the Income tracker in QuickBooks Online.
The amounts on the Income tracker, specifically in the Time and Expenses section, show the total amount of your customer's open balances. Thus, this window pulls up all your sales within a list. That said, the amounts shown from this window differ from any QBDT reports.
Furthermore, you can personalize the reports to generate them based on your preferences and the data you need. Check out this article for more details: Customize reports in QuickBooks Desktop.
For future use, you can memorize your custom settings, so you don't have to repeat the customization process. This reference can give you more details: Create, access, and modify memorized reports.
Keep in touch if you have additional questions about how the Income Tracker works. I'm always around in the Community to help you out.