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Amazon integration with QuickBooks Self-Employed

by Intuit Updated 2 years ago

You can import Amazon order information into QuickBooks Self-Employed for an easier experience categorizing your business transactions! The feature is currently only available to via QuickBooks Self-Employed labs to select test users. In order to integrate your Amazon account:

  1. Select the gear in the upper right corner
  2. Select Labs
  3. Select Turn It On
  4. Enter your Amazon credentials
  5. Allow the connection to complete

Once you've connected to Amazon, you'll see a few orders at first (don't worry, it's still working in the background to pull in more, back to Jan 1, 2018). Hover over transactions imported from connected Amazon account to see the Order details. They will be identified with how many order items have been attached. You can then Split the transaction by Order Item.

When splitting in QuickBooks Self-Employed, the transaction defaults to a split by item, with the shipping and sales tax for the order allocated proportionally across the items. You may check a box to split out the sales tax and shipping as separate expense lines.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • No new transactions are created. Existing transactions imported from your bank or credit card are matched to orders on Amazon and the order details are added to them.
  • For Amazon order details to appear in QuickBooks Self-Employed, you must have connected the account you use to purchase items on Amazon. If the account is not connected, the transaction’s details will not appear because they won’t match to a transaction. So if you use two payment methods on Amazon, only the items purchased with the payment method connected to QuickBooks Self-Employed will show up in QuickBooks Self-Employed.
  • Items purchased with a giftcard or promotional credit will not appear.
  • After you've saved the split transaction, your work will remain, even if you opt to turn off the Amazon integration. Only the actual order items will disappear from the transaction.

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