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5 Tips for Finding the Right Business Coach for YOU



As a business coach I am often asked for advice on how to find the right business coach. My short answer? It really depends on you. Here are a five tips to find the best business coach for your business.

1. Understand the outcome you would like to have by working with a business coach. Do you want to grow your sales? Become a better leader? Manage fear? All of the above?!? Starting with understanding what will make you feel like coaching has been fruitful is your number one task.


2. Look for a coach that has both business AND coaching skills. If they are only strong on the business side, you will be getting more of a consultant. If they are less strong on business but great at coaching, you will have more of a life coach. I find that my clients have the best outcomes with a combination because the fastest results require strong guidance in both areas. 

3. Look for a coach that has clients at least 10x bigger than yours but not more! You want your business coach to have a treasure chest of insights from working with larger companies, but not so big that their perspectives feel out of reach or not applicable. 

4. You must have rapport! Trust will come over time, but you'll never get there if you don't feel connected. Business coaching is very intimate because in order to move the needle, you have to be willing to pull the covers wayyyyy back! So be sure to select a business coach that you feel you can be the most open and honest with.

5. If you're wondering when is the best time to hire a business coach... the answer is always NOW! It's never too early to coach your way to success and often, coaching is absolutely the fastest path!


Before you go

Have you ever "interviewed" a business coach to see if you two might be a good fit? How did you go about deciding whether to work with that person or not?


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10 Comments 10
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5 Tips for Finding the Right Business Coach for YOU

Thanks, @Anonymous and I'm glad you found the tips for finding the right business coach helpful!


So tell us, what brings you to the QB community and I would love to hear the story behind your great hande "DaisyBro"! :) 


Be sure to tag me at @Anonymous and I'll see your response sooner! J. 

Level 6

5 Tips for Finding the Right Business Coach for YOU

Really great tips @Anonymous for how to choose a coach. I had a biz coach for a while who was awesome and she came highly recommended from a friend - that helped give me the confidence that my initial impression of her would last. 

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5 Tips for Finding the Right Business Coach for YOU

That is is an excellent bonus tip for finding the right business coach for you @LeslieBarber! A referral from a trusted friend is absolutely golden! 


Since we're hanging out here :smileywink:, what was the best thing you learned from your business coach?

Level 6

5 Tips for Finding the Right Business Coach for YOU

Great question. Our business coach really helped me to realize that relationships are just as important within the business as they are outside the business - and thus we had to work on those relationships. When you have a small team, how that team functions matters. She gave us the tools to build healthy relationships so that we would thrive. 


And while we are still here together.... what about you? What's the best thing you have learned from your business coach? Do you have one?

Level 3

5 Tips for Finding the Right Business Coach for YOU

Thank you for the insight on finding a coach @Anonymous.  Having a coach is a great investment for your business and the relationship has to be a healthy one. 

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5 Tips for Finding the Right Business Coach for YOU

Love that teaching @LeslieBarber. Business is all about people, so valuing relationships is critical. 


Personally, I actually have TWO coaches because all coaches need to get coached (it’s how we stay on top of our game!)!


My two biggest coaching takeaways (so far) are:


1) Suceses begins and ends with your mindset. Clear your unproductive and limiting thoughts and watch your PERCEIVED business roadblocks crumble. It’s almost law. 


2) Right in line with your coach’s thoughts, my coach taught me that relationships are for life, so treat each person you form a relationship with - business or personal - as you would a lifelong friend because if you do, your life will be impactful and meaningful beyond measure. 


Thanks for asking Leslie! Really good stuff here! 


Now let’s open it up: Does anyone else have a favorite teaching from a coach - business, life, trainer, etc. that you learned something awesome from? If so, we’d love to hear it, so REPLY and share the goodness! 


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5 Tips for Finding the Right Business Coach for YOU

Well you already know that I agree 100% @ElaineTay-TGW! ;)


Have you ever engaged a business coach?

Community Champion

5 Tips for Finding the Right Business Coach for YOU

One of the best things I have ever done was take the Strengths Finder 2.0 assesment. I know their are some really great coaches at Gallup who focus on helping you lean into your strengths.
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5 Tips for Finding the Right Business Coach for YOU

Agreed @SteveChase! I love the Stength Finders assessment because I subscribe to leveraging your strengths and outsourcing everything else! 


So of course I have to ask, want to share one of your strengths?

Community Champion

5 Tips for Finding the Right Business Coach for YOU

Of course I don't mind at all and I will share my top 5. 1. Learner 2. Responsibility 3. Harmony 4. Discipline 5. Belief
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