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Community Chatter: Say it with me... Spring Cleaning, but in the Fall

When the team and I were talking about what our next Community Chatter post should be, we were lamenting the fact that while Spring Cleaning is a big deal every year, no one really talks about Fall Cleaning.  So we decided to buck the trend and share all of our Fall cleaning tips and tricks.  

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Thinking about doing some Fall cleaning? Check out our suggestions below...

(While these aren't necessarily Fall specific, hopefully, they give you the encouragement to get a bit of cleaning in!)




From Kiala:

Everyone talks about Spring cleaning, but with back to school and the change of seasons around the corner, I'm going to share with you my Fall cleaning hack for my bathtub.

Cleaning the bathroom is always my least favorite thing to do, and the tub always feels so awkward. I've tried those "spray it and forget it" cleaners but they never quite get my tub as clean as I would like.
You know those kitchen tools that you put dish soap in and the sponge is on the end? Take one of those and add a 50/50 mixture of Dawn dish soap and white vinegar. Shake and leave it in there for when it's time to take a shower. Not only does the combination of vinegar/Dawn work great but you can do a quick clean while you're getting clean yourself! I especially find it easier because everything is easy to reach and the showerhead rinses it all away. There's no strong smell and I get it done in record time. Try this and thank me later!




From Rose:

We've all heard of spring cleaning, but my family has always foregone that hurdle and practiced "Fall Cleaning!"

As a kid, I would hate it as my sister would strip every room in our home to uncover every nook and cranny, including the dust hidden in the wee corners of the closet or the random snack wrapper stuffed behind the couch cushion. It was a whole marathon usually crammed into 48 hours leading up to Thanksgiving week.
As an adult, I have learned to appreciate cleaning and organization. Now, when the weather starts to get a bit more bearable (got to love Florida) and the Pumpkin Spice Lattes return to being the focal point of every coffee shop, I take it upon myself to carry on the family tradition of Fall Cleaning, except instead of cramming it all into a dreadful 2-day sprint, I have learned to take it one step at a time.


My go-to is to pick a particular area, like the kitchen for example, and that will be my focus for the week. Each day that week, I will clean out just 1 or 2 drawers/cabinets. This helps take the daunting task of purging, organizing, and cleaning down to a quick 15-minute manageable daily task.

Give it a try and see what you can complete each week to prepare for the upcoming holiday season!




From Morgan:

I completely skipped spring cleaning this year. Probably due to chasing my 2 and a half year old around and being 8 months pregnant. Anyways, my house is ready for cleaning now more than ever, and just in time for Fall! Over the summer our garage became pretty cluttered with outdoor toys. Those are getting organized first and foremost! Next are the closets. I plan to pack and store spring and summer clothes to make room for new things, especially my oldest little boy's since he's about to start preschool and will have plenty of school clothes that need to be hung up.

In addition to organizing, I want to purge a lot of the things that I'll come in contact with - in both the garage and closets. My family and I usually like to try to participate in neighborhood yard sales and anything that doesn't sell will be donated.

I prefer fall cleaning because it freshens up your home just when you're about to spend a lot more time in it. It also allows you to free up space to make room for new things that may be received over the upcoming holidays. I'm sure I'll find a few other projects to work on once I get started but these are my fall cleaning goals for now!


From Lisa:

Hahaha, welcome to the random part of today... I just jotted down some of my faves.  

1 - Baking soda and vinegar!  Pour some baking soda down any sink (or tub) drain and follow it up with some vinegar and stand back and watch the bubbles rise.  Keep adding a bit of vinegar until you don't hear the reaction anymore.  Not only fun, but a great way to clean your drains before they get all gummed up.  

2 - This one is specific to candles in glass containers where you have burned the candle down all the way but still have wax stuck in the bottom. Pour some boiling water into the container and just let it sit for 24 hours.  The water will melt the remaining wax, which will float to the top.  Once it's resolidified into a circle on the top, just push one side down to "pop" it free and you have a clean jar and some scented wax scraps to use elsewhere. :) 

3 -  Keep a seam ripper handy when you are vacuuming if you have long hair or have a long-haired pet.  Once you are done, just run the seam ripper along the brush head to cut the hair wrapped around it that decreases the efficiency of your vacuum. 

4 - If you have houseplants, now is the time to go around and cut away any dead leaves, etc and use a soft cloth to wipe off any dust from the healthy leaves.  With the decreased light in fall/winter, you want to make sure there is no dust keeping the plant from absorbing as much light as possible.   Also, make sure to check when the last feed/fertilize session for your part of the country should be so that you can give your plants everything they need to stay healthy and happy over the winter.  

5 - Make sure you are checking your windows when you wash them to look for any new/developing gaps or leaks in and around the panes.  I grab my caulk gun and use it to spot treat any new holes I find, I hate random cold spots in the winter from a gap.  




Are you going to try any of these?  Or have some tips/tricks of your own that you swear by?  We love a good hack, so make sure to comment below and let us know!  

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