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Creating a Digital Marketing Strategy

Happy Friday, friends! We're already in the fourth month of 2021. That's a little hard for me to believe. Moving on to the important things - on this lovely Friday I wanted to talk with you all about creating a digital marketing strategy for up and coming new businesses. I found this article from that offers some great info on getting started. Here's what they had to say:

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Understand your audience
Understanding your customer is of upmost importance when it comes to creating your marketing strategy. If you don't know who you're aiming to reach, you may end up just going around in circles. Varying age groups definitely have different priorities and see the world through different lenses. "To better understand your audience, find out where your potential customers hang out online and go there."

Take advantage of search engine optimization
Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO, is the practice of making your digital content easily found by search engines. You don't need too much of an explanation to know that it's beneficial for a business to be in the top 10 (maybe even top 5 or 3!) results of a web search. There are several ways to keep up with the trends that will get your site on this list.

Engage on social media
You know me, I love my social media. Social platforms aren't just fun for personal use, they make excellent tools for reaching your customers. "Lately, social media has become an indispensable asset to any digital marketing strategy. You can use it to do customer research before you launch your business. And once your business is up and running, you can use it to engage with your customers and distribute content and product information."

These are just a few ways to get started with your digital marketing strategy. The article linked above offers a couple more points, but we'd love to hear from you too! What steps have you taken to create a great marketing strategy in today's digital age? Have a wonderful weekend!

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